More Dyna

Jun 22, 2008 16:19

So without the secret weapon (aka Deemo), there werent nearly as many drops.  I was pretty lazy, so no Screenshots from me.  Had a super short shift at work, so to my surprise I was actually able to make Dyna.  Since I was suited up on BLM.. I got to go as BLM!  I felt like.. such a n00b.  First time doing anything mage for Dyna, and to be quite honest I have never paid much attention to what the mages did and the like.  It wasn't very complicated after awhile.. but still took a lot of getting used to.

Blow stones up.. Aspir stuff.. /assist caller.. try not to die.  I was a bit slow at times, especially when assisting Liltulip when she called for different mobs (excluding stones.)  No offense to her.. but I am so used to ignoring all BLM assist macros, that it wouldn't even register that it went across my screen.  But it was fun!  Something a little different.

Now, next time we do Dyna-Beaucedine, let's see what job Elsvet goes as.  Past 3 or 4 runs, she has gone as a different job, and it amuses me.  Let's be honest, for those who have done Dyna, you look for anything to be able to amuse you!  As for Fistofnorthstar.. I will have my revenge!  You just wait mister!
Drops, not many this time, but a few very cool ones.  Two pieces that I hope to have someday:

Congrats to Silvin!  One of many evil Taru BLM's I know.. and love.. and hate!

Master, I mean Liltulip got this fancy jacket.  Think I am going to mug her later on for it.  Drive by mugging!  Now where did I leave that damned Chocobo...

The End.

I said.. then end!  But you just couldn't help but clicking.. eh?

That is all.. now scoot along, nothing to see here.
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