purple monkey dishwasher.

Jul 05, 2006 00:16

So, the general negativity before I get to the positives (per the usual lately, although I suppose there are some positives in this one lol).

My dad is being incredibly weird about this whole situation with my science classes. At first he was responsive to me going to get this LD that I think I have in math/science diagnosed and documented by a neurologist, but he's becoming evasive about it lately. He's been pushing off calling doctors for the last ten days because he wants to see how I did on this test when I absolutely failed it...then tells me that if I pass it in any way at all, it might not be necessary to have a diagnosis. Like if I get a 60, that's supposedly the end of the issue and I've just been lazy the last two months lol. Then he had dinner with a friend last week and comes back to tell me, "You know, my friend had a really good idea to this whole situation...why don't you just transfer universities so you don't have to deal with these science credits?"

Let me handle that one for a second. FUCK NO! Absolutely not. I am not transferring over three science credits for many reasons. I'd likely have math requirements to deal with if I transferred and it'd be the same issue all over again with a different subject. Secondly, universities usually only allow you to transfer 60 credits (ie my graduating would become a five year project). Finally, and most importantly, Ohio Wesleyan is my home. It's where I've developed absolutely wonderful friendships and experiences. It's the only academic institution where I'm not an outcast and didn't feel completely incompetent and out of place. I'm not trading that for a couple of Intro Bio courses. I understand my time at Ohio Wesleyan has to end at some point. I'm not ready for it to end yet. I will stay in Ohio for an extra semester or year and take classes at community college in the absolute worst case scenario. I am not fucking transferring. Done.

I know my father has never been one to deal with authority figures in regards to what I'm going through because that's his nature, but this is just bizarre now. He seemingly would prefer me to tranfer universities than talk to the Academic Affairs Department about accomodating me in some sort of way if I do in fact have an LD in math/science. Not only that, but he's lying to me. He told me he called the Academic Affairs department and spoke to them and that they weren't responsive to the idea. According to my mom, he hasn't placed a phone call to anyone yet. It's so weird. Universities accomodate these sorts of situations all the time, especially since these subjects don't pertain to my major and it's not an issue of intelligence because all my other grades are fine. I don't expect them to exempt me from taking the courses. However, I don't think it's unrealistic to get them to help me in some way. Untimed tests, maybe curving the grades on my exams, the option to write extra credit papers, etc etc...basically make it so that I can't fail the classes. We'll see. Let me just ge the diganosis first that verifies the obvious situation I have. Then we'll deal with OWU.

Happier notes: Quebec City didn't work out because the flights were far too expensive, but my folks and I are going to go to Montreal instead from July 21st-24th. Really excited about that one. I'll be in Vancouver three days after that.

Also, Carly is coming to NYC for the weekend and is staying with me!!!!! So incredibly happy to see her. She's bringing a few of her friends as well. None of them have never been before. We'll definitely bum around in the morning and check out the districts/do the touristy shit and then get plastered at night. I miss her so much at this point. She and Annie have become like sisters basically, so it'll be great to catch up.
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