Ugh, I hate being sick >< It completely drains me. [Note the mood]
Anyways... this weekend was a very odd and interesting one...
Where to start?
Had a football game saturday. Went to the park around 11. Game was at 12, we played the Vikings. Won, 12-0. Got home around 1ish. Took a shower and got ready for Gabby's party, then headed over to Gabby's house.
Gabby's party - When I got there, they were playing Taboo. After that we had a water balloon fight. That was very interesting. Alfaro said she was planning on gagging Kursten when she got there o_O;; Anyways... Kursten got there shortly after the water balloon fight was over. We discovered more balloons, so they water balloon fight picked up where it had left off. Umm... we ran out of balloons. Then we were just sitting around and Gabby, Kayla, Sarah, Jessica, and Malini? (can't spell her name >< ) disappeared somewhere. Discovered they were filling up more balloons. I helped them because Kursten and Alfaro were plotting against me -_- Umm... it sooned turned into a silly string fight, which was very interesting. It got in my hair and I couldn't get it out. I just said whatever 'cuz it didn't really bother me but Nicole had a fit and kept trying to get it out XD;; Kellie made a crown out of it, lol. Umm... Then we had a hula hoop contest. I lost! Three times! XD;; -dork- Oh well ^^;; Umm.. Then we ate. Piñata after that! =D Lol... I got no candy ;_; Oh well, I don't care... Umm... The piñata kept falling off the rope so we ended up putting it on the ground and hitting it like that XP;; We played a game that involved in detangling everybody.. We couldn't get detangled though, sooo we just gave up :P Alfaro wanted to call a certain someone and everybody else wanted to call too, but she didn't want anybody but me, Kursten, Nicole, and Gabby around. So we walked in circles trying to hide from them. That didn't work out too well though, so Alfaro hid in the bathroom. And I was supposed to talk when she called this someone, so she said, "Uuh... Richey... I think you need to come help me.." Well, that resulted in me choking on water and water coming out of my nose >_>;;; Then we ran into Gabby's room. Actually, we ran to her room and everybody else started following and Alfaro couldn't get the childlock open. So we sat there while she tried to open it and finally I pushed her out of the way and opened it, 'cuz I'm smart like that! Then we locked the door and hid in the closet because the other people tried to get in through the window! O_O;; Well we called and we got the voicemail... Alfaro freaked. "O______________O AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH OMG OMG OMG OMG ^____________^!!!" pretty much sums her up. However, she called back today and discovered that it wasn't really that person. Shame, shame. Anyways... Then we had cake. And opened presents. ....Okay, that was before the piñata, but I forgot, so leave me alone! XP;; Umm... then everybody pretty much went out front and waited for their parentals to get there! I left at 5:15ish and went straight to Mary's party XP
Mary's party - Two consecutive parties.. I feel so loved! Got there, changed. Whole party pretty much consisted of swimming, talking, tire swings, and trying to avoid being hit with a beach ball by Jake, Erick, and the other kid! Not too much happened soo yeah... left around 9.
Mom came and picked me up, we went to Ray and Marianns' house. I either spun around on the floor like the retard I am or laid down on the couch. We left around 11 and then I went to Nikki's house to spend the night.
Nikki's house - Talked, watched PoT (Prince of Tennis), went on the computer. Went to bed at 2:30ish? Not too sure... I was exhausted though, that's for sure ^^;; Woke up around 10, everybody else was still sleeping, so I laid around waiting for Nikki and Christina to wake up... that didn't happen so I went into the living room and read Nikki's PoT manga. Ate breakfast and Nikki finally woke up. Nikki's mom told us to go wake up Christina and we both said we didn't feel like getting our heads bitten off, so we'd pass. She woke up on her own anyways so yeah :P Umm... We were gunna go to the movies. We invited Carlos, however, something came up (I'd rather not say because I dunno if Nikki minds me putting it in here) so we told him we weren't going. Other things happened that I won't mention out of Nikki and Carlos' privacy, soo yeah. Mommy-san said I couldn't go to the movies so I went home ;_; Ah well... They said they'd go with me to see it though ^^ (We were gunna go see The Amityville Horror.)
Dun dun dun... School tomorrow... We have diagnostic testing, so our schedule is gunna be all funky tomorrow and Tuesday =\ Progress reports Wednesday x_o I have a C in Geometry... not good... Well, it's not my fault we only have 5 grades in and one is a 0 because I have neglected to turn that assignment in... Oh well, I'll turn it in Tuesday...
Thinking about redoing my LJ, it's kind of boring =\ Must get better with HTML though... And while I'm at it, I need to get better at updating these things ^^;;
Well, I'm going, toodles.