Before School - went to JAM club, played some funky game where a mofia went around killing people... damn leprechauns... Took pictures oh NJHS =_= Not fun.. I hate taking pictures.
2nd Hour - Not much, CEQ and that's about it... Wasn't in a good mood. Oh yeah, I drew the Hula Dancin' Kirbies on Gordo's whiteboard XP <(^_^<) <(^_^)> (>^_^)>
4th Hour - I HAVE A B!! YES!!! I'M SO HAPPY =DDDDDDDDD If I had gotten a C meh daddy-san woulda killed me! But yes yes yesssssssssss I'm so happy, I was jumping up and down =) Reviewed homework (didn't do... eep.. I need to start remembering what the math homework is!). Did quiz. I think I got a 100 cuz me and Nicole are smart like that ^_^ Something happened and I wasn't the happiest camper.. But oh well :P
Lunch - Hit Erik in the head with the umbrella, so he hit me back. x____X I have a bruise now >_< IT STILL HURTS >_< Ruiz covered it up cuz we had pictures... Then she attacked me with mascara x___X I swear.. she is out to get me... she pulls it out and goes, "HAHA!" and starts waving it around so I was forced to wear it, along with other ... stuff. -shudders- I DON'T LIKE MAKE-UP!! ;______; Oh well u.u And I lost my ID again >_<
Science - Hmm... Nothing much for the first half hour... then went to take pictures... Was getting very annoyed, but oh welllll... Oh yeah I got attacked by eyeliner X_X GEEZ YOU PEOPLE DO NOT LEAVE ME ALONE!! Umm we took notes (which hurt very badly) and picked new groups. Meh is with Ayaka-chan (Christina) and Nicole-chan! :P Ummmm... we did a worksheet, the bell got held, and that's about it...
7th Hour - D.E.A.R., worked on book report, finished and turned it in.
And that's about it! Today sucked though... Mucho bad luck.
- Was still getting dressed when mom decided we were going to leave
- Couldn't move my finger hardly at all without it hurting
- Had to take NJHS pictures (even though Kelly was supposed to -_-;;)
- Cried in History
- Saw something I didn't need to see in History
- Didn't do math homework, I thought we had to do 8-5 but it was 8-6 =_=
- The thing I saw in History happened again
- Got hit in the head with an umbrella at lunch
- Got attacked by mascara, lip gloss, powder, eye shadow, and eye liner during lunch
- Lost my ID -AGAIN-
- Got in a fight with Carlos
- Killed my hand by writing notes
- Had to walk in the rain (white shirts = not fun)
- Josh got my pants soaked
- Got hit by a football in the back of my neck
- Got my backpack thrown over the fence into that little fenced off area (the one that's just a big square)
- Had to jump the fence and get my backpack
- Without shoes, so my socks were soaked
- Pants got caught on the fence
- Came home and found out I have a broken finger!
Ain't St. Patrick's Day just peachy?