Childhood Reading

Aug 10, 2010 07:37

Disclaimer: My guess is that my own list is limited to those of us born sometime during the 1980s and schooled on the west coast, but I'm going to just throw it out there as if it were actually universal.

What are the canonical books that you read in elementary and middle school? You know, the sort of books "everyone" read.

Some of mine include Maniac Magee, The Martian Chronicles, The Giver, Hatchet, White Mountains, In The Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson, and Charlotte's Web.

What about short stories? I remember "The Lottery" and "To Build a Fire" the most clearly. I read "The Cask of Amontillado" for extra credit when we read The Martian Chronicles.

I'd love to hear your lists, even if they contain repeats. I know lists like this one exist, but I'm most interested in what you remember reading.

bennj and I just reread The Giver together, and we're moving on to Maniac Magee next. Elementary school goes a lot faster when you finish the book in an evening, let me tell you.


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