May 08, 2005 18:19
Because the library hasn't sent death threats in a while, I've made more shot-in-the-dark ILL requests. I know this material exists somewhere, after all.
Sigismund von Schlichting, "Über das Infanteriegefecht," Beiheft zum Militär-Wochenblatt, 1879, 37-67.
----. "Taktische und strategische Grundsätze der Gegenwart," Beiheft zum Militär-Wochenblatt, 1896, 193-229.
The two are roughly translated as "On the Infantry Skirmish" and "Tactical and Strategic Principles of the Present." Exciting stuff, believe me. All this while I'm still trying to find Schlieffen's "Krieg in der Gegenwart" (War in the Present) in the original German, to say nothing of Friedrich von Bernhardi's "Videant Consules: Ne quid respublica detrimenti capiat." Not finding the latter is excusable, I suppose, seeing as even Gerhard Ritter couldn't find a copy. They say, however, that Indiana has one...
EDIT: Indiana DOES have it, and so does Brown. Even more interestingly, Indiana has a copy of a 27-page response to Videant Consules, which also appeared in 1890. I've requested both, although I'm doubtful whether Indiana will let either go. There are only two copies of the former, and one of the latter, publicly available in the United States. Hell, it might be worth the trip down.