Nov 24, 2008 03:05
So. I really like the Movie legally blond, and this is why:
I like people. I am not annoied by Elle's ditzy behavior. Everyone acts some way for a reason. Her behavior, while potentially ingratiating, is more productive and healthy than some. For example- she is positive and optimistic. She isn't phazed by people not thinking well of her. When something doesn't go her way, she shakes it off with a smile. At one point in the story, a bitter law student, vivian, tells her about a "costume" party. When she comes to the door in her ridiculous playboy bunny outfit (with neon pink stockings) and sees that everyone there is dressed in their bland everyday college clothes (I think they made the clothes extra bland for contrast), she is halted, blinks, opens and closes her mouth a couple times, and then throws back on her friendly smile and walks in with an air of confidence. Peoples laughs aren't getting to her. I think that its harder for someone to be malicious to someone that friendly, smiley and confident. Sure, they might think the person is utterly ridiculous, but what are you going to do.
I respect that, I guess cause it reminds me of myself. I don't have a lot in common with Elle. She may be ridiculous, but, well, I would be more likeley to think of ways in which we are similar than you. I mean, is it actually less worth her time to be interested in fashion, skin and hair care and nails as it is for me to be interested in art, music, and being silly, or adventuring? Adventuring doesn't exactly accomplish more.
But that was not the direction I wanted to go. NO matter how much I try to find similarities between other people and myself, I wont nessesarily like a movie that way.
The movie makes me want to go to law school. I know better. My mom was a lawyer. Its not a party. I don't even nessesarily beleive in the legal system. But, it is a feel good movie. It makes me feel, and part of this is the fault of the music, like I can do anything. It makes me want to be studiing. I do, actually, want to take a law class right now. I do like it. NO law school, but I could find a class to sit in on next semester. Part of the fault of that is the plot. If a ditzy sorority girl can bring herself to have that much determination... and just be so happy! I am not consistantly happy. I wish I was. It would be nice to not second guess myself all the time, whether the reason of not second guessing be due to actual knowledge, or blinding myself to all other options, it would still be nice.
I know I don't like desisions. But, one of the only wise bits of advice my dad has ever given me went something like: you don't have to make the best ever desision. Just make a good one.
self confidence,