It's time. Within 24 hours, the full House of Representatives is expected to vote on whether to protect Internet freedom. Your representative needs to hear that we expect support for Net Neutrality-the Internet's First Amendment.
Here's an important detail: House members will be voting on a larger law governing our nation's communications policy-and the current version of this bill guts Net Neutrality. So we must ask every representative to vote against this proposal unless it is changed with Rep. Ed Markey's amendment to protect Net Neutrality.
What is Net Neutrality, you ask? Net Neutrality ENSURES that internet service providers (Comcast, SBC Yahoo!, AOL, etc) will treat each "packet" (or piece of information sent across the net) equally and fairly. These internet service providers now want to be able to CHARGE more to people who own websites for their websites to put-through faster, while leaving other websites in the dust. Smaller websites such as blogs, personal websites, etc will all move slower through the internet, therefore adding a "social" structure to the internet - completely the opposite of the way it started... as a free democracy. While you might not own a website or care much, this very much affects you. You will be able to view large corporate sites in a flash, but your friend's photoblog will load slower and slower.
The Internet Service Providers just want to be able to charge you and websites more for their services. Isn't the $40-50/month we pay for unlimited internet access enough already?
Can you call on representative to support Net Neutrality-and to vote "no" on the COPE telecommunications law if it doesn't include Rep. Ed Markey's Net Neutrality Amendment?
Some tips when calling:
1) If the staffer is making a tally of constituent calls, make sure they have a category specifically for "Vote no on the COPE telecom law if it doesn't protect Net Neutrality." Otherwise, your representative may get a diluted message and miss the point.
2) If they ask for more details, you can urge your representative to support Rep. Ed Markey's Net Neutrality amendment. And if that amendment fails, they should vote against the entire bill.
3) If you get a voicemail option, leave a message. They will get it.
Thanks for helping to save the Internet.
Check out or for more info. it's time to show our government that our generation is ready to take politics seriously!
on a side note, i will be out of town from june 9th until the 19th with limited internet access. the good thing is that i will be 22 when i get back. that is all.