Oct 01, 2006 19:30
Ok, so this sucks. This sucks so badly.
I'm in "everything needs to change and it needs to change right now" mode. So here are the things I am working on:
~Get a new apartment and get a new apartment fast. I moved out of Mike's place and I'm currently with my mom, which is no good. She's too far away from Philly and I don't know anyone in this area. So I need to find a new place to live or stay in the city so that I can go out and meet new people and stay the fuck busy. I have a few options: this guy (his name is Sebastian. How cool is that?)in my creative writing class is also looking for a place, so I'll see if he wants to be adventurous and look with me, or I'll move into Jessica's friend's place that he offered (which might not be so good because he's a little bit too frat boy for me), or look through roommates.com, or craigslist.com, or find somebody who is subletting their apartment for a semester due to a study abroad program or something. And I will find a place in the city. It will happen.
~Stay the fuck busy. Ideas include: finding a new job where I can meet cool new people, starting dancing again, and joining clubs or something. I don't know. I'll figure it out.
~This summer I'll move to Chicago! (Okay, I know that I'm going crazy. But these ideas, whether they work out or not, really make me feel better). I'll stay with either my grandparents or my aunt and I'll work in the city. And if I can't stay with them, I know a few people in Chicago that will maybe let me live with them for a summer.
~Since I'm not going to Italy this upcoming semester (stupid stupid stupid STUPID decision), I'll go in the fall my senior year.
~Hang out more with my existing friends. Stay social. Talk to people more. Invite people to do things with me more. Social=healing.
So I bet everything I had on this relationship, which was a dumb decision, and I lost. But I'm learning from it, and now I'm building a life that I want to live. Forming an identity, if you will. Cheesy? Yes. But it's quite true. I know where I want to end up, and I just need the patience to know that I will eventually get there. The thing I'm most afraid of is going to school and then coming home and zoning out in front of the television or the computer and not doing anything productive or (key word) social.
Apartment. Job. Friends. New people. New experiences.