
Apr 11, 2004 00:40

Its really odd, and I mean no offence to those of you this includes, but sometimes I really hate reading your journals. Yet I feel this nameless pressure to do so. I believe some of this hatred has to do with an almost uncanny correctness of assumption as to how the journals will read. Just to be fair, Ill start with a general despising of my own writing, which is horridly predictable. I should also paraphrase this by saying that Im reading If upon a Winters Night a Traveler as well as none of these comments are intended to be value judgements. Leland will write something that either sounds like a) he's the fucking shit because he's done some stupid/ wild thing that he feels particularly proud of, usually in a drunken moment of folly (a thing this journal entry would have otherwised fallen under), or b) a depressing tale of why Santa Cruz sucks, why he wishes he were doing something else, and just general malcontent. This all climaxes with Leland telling personal things about his life that he feels are "deep." Eric will quote Barthes or some other equally incomprehensible writer who is only good if youre a) trying to pick up women in beet bars or b) ragingly drunk and want to sound smart. Sam will probably write some form of an introspective analysis of a play or an incomprehensible writer (see above for details) and general dissatisfaction punctuated by moments of acclaim for the acadamia that consumes his life in merry old England, and in life. Samara will write about all the crazy "innovative" things shes seen lately. Tristan will write about the comparitively unexcitingness of her life in Chicago. Aaron will post a picture, or poke fun at some psuedointellectual. Louis, a latest addition, has yet to really set any redundant tendencies other than the "Im writing a journal, hah, how silly those journal writing people are" kind of style, eager individuals await to see how things will turn out. Anna wil be pissed. Chris will post a survey or write about some intensely emotional moment he has experienced recently. And Andrew will probably write about how great Stanford is, and how l33t he has become.

Its probably grossly presumptious of me to tell you all about your own writing styles in this particular venue, but I suppose Im in one of those not very empathetic moods that would have almost certainly have otherwise resulted in me sharing tales of my birthday in Vegas, and why I miss my girlfriend (see Leland subheading A). But honestly, although the story has changed, the content really hasnt. So Ill just save us all the trouble and say a big screw you to those of you who didnt wish me a happy birthday (here, I kid). Vegas was fun btw.

PS if your pissed at this post you really oughtn't to be.
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