Jul 23, 2005 23:03
Ok DONT read this if you havent read Harry Potter 6 or are remotly interested in it at all i just have some questions i need to get off my chest
1. Will Harry Potter get like a degree or cirtificate or job or whatever if he dosnt go to school next year
2. Whens Snape gonna turn on Voldemort you know its coming he has more than enough wizarding skills and im half tempted to beleive that the prophecy of one must die one must live is about Snape and Voldemort seeing how there both half pureblood and have nicknames and besides Harry cant kill them both he could get sweet enough but i dont see it happening
3. I think Dumbledores death was part of Snape and Dumbledores plan it had to be i mean Dumbledores to smart to ignore all that stuff if Harry could figure it out Dumbledore could
4. Are Ron and Hermione together at the end of book 6 it dosnt say so so i dont know it hints to it but there probably leaving to assumption and whats up with Harry and Ginny thats a little goofy i mean shes cool but i dont know it dosnt sit well with me
5. with all thats left the next book has to be 1k worth of pages i mean hes got to find all the horurcruxes and find R.A.B and kill Snape and Voldemort and Sirius has to come back so he will prob kill Snape or something its gonna be a long book witch means a long time to write it but as Laureen braught to my attention its prob not going to end in the next book witch i dont know where i stand on that
I think thats it if anyone has any others to add let me know
Oh and now that im done with 6 i want to rank them
1.Book 4 Goblet of fire (the movies gonna be great)
2.Book 5 Order Of The Pheonix (just for the Umbrige factor)
3.Book 1 The Philosiphers/Sorcerers Stone (cuz it started it all)
4.Book 6 The Half-Blood Prince (cuz the last 5 chapters where some of the best in the series)
5.Book 2 The Chamber Of Secrets (like steve said no 12 year old could kill a 20' snake)
6.Book 3 The Prisoner Of Azkaban (cuz it didnt deal with Harry vs. Voldemort though it did provide Harry with a nice backstory)
Feel free to coment i actually look forward to it please if i spoiled anything im sorry