Happy New Year!

Dec 31, 2011 21:53

This year has been probably one of my happiest ones. In May I got married. I am working with a company that I enjoy and doing good work with lots of neat people.

It has been lonely being so far away from my family but at the same time I have an opportunity to be with my NEW family down here. I still don't have any friends down here yet. but David and I have been going to church and singing in the choir and doing all sorts of little things that have been keeping me social. And us both happy. OH yeah and the best thing! David got saved in November! I have been praying for him so hard and it really proves that prayer works. God hears us and answers. (not always the way we want, but who gets what they want all the time anyway?)
Our relationship has been flourishing since we started going to church it's a new sort of love and understanding that we have found for one another.

I have been reading a lot of Dave Ramsey books. We are starting to go through his baby steps to get debt free! It's exciting, last night we talked about three hours over our budget. I feel a sense of peace knowing where our money is going.

This year I also started weight watchers again, I am almost 20 lbs down and going strong. The holidays were a complete mess but I made it through. It makes such a big difference buying all the right groceries and having someone support me. David actually went on the plan with me for a month or two to see what I've been going through. This year I have been very thankful. Everyday I see all the blessings and good I have.

Whatever your resolution is if you make one, remember to stay true to yourself. That's what resolutions are anyway, promises to make ourselves better right? Let's just try to be happy with ourselves this year no matter what.

I want to put a challenge out there ( a challenge even for me) lets all say Thank you for one thing everyday. Really look and open our eyes to all the good we have and appreciate something.

Happy New Year!

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