1)I am keeping plants alive for the first time in years. My previous plant growing/sustaining activities were always closely monitored by my father. I would grow carrots and radishes in his garden. This time we are focusing on simple house plants. So far everyone is still with us. This week I am expanding my indoor garden to include herbs and peppers. I plan on naming each pot as to strengthen my attachment to them and hopefully also reinforce their will to grow.
2)Every few months or so I am once again struck with how much goes on in our wonderful world that I am not aware of. My media watching varies between obsessive and non-existent depending on what else is going on. My biggest brother is what I suspect to be one of the most plugged in individuals in the country. He is super informed and often reinterprets the globeandmail news headlines for me adding tons of details and removing general mainstream insensitivities. Lately, we have been focusing on building 7 (seriously folks this just makes no sense) and the age old question of “where does our stuff come from?”
http://www.bbc.co.uk/thread/blood-sweat-tshirts/http://www.corpwatch.org/index.php 3)Ted.com Any spare time is now dedicated to Ted.