recently on
- Said last week Claire was in hyper-cleaning mode - I was wrong. NOW she’s in manic hyper-cleaning baby-on-it’s-way-any-time mode. It’s scary
- Claire’s sw fillings: cheese & banana, cheese & jam, cheese & choc spread, cheese & marmalade and er, garlic. These were BEFORE pregnancy!
- In the next 16-30 days we’re going to become parents, this is suddenly very,very real! We’ll never have another 1st of the month on our own!
- Just been rolled out of Sweeny Todds Pie Shop. No energy. All resources diverted to digestive system.
- On the scooter this morning an exceptionally long rogue nasal hair was blowing in the wind and tickling my nose for 20 minutes. Time to trim
- Claire in hyper-cleaning mode - according to my little book of pregnancy this means the baby should be making an appearance any minute now!
- I worked out why so many men who become fathers put on weight - you need superhuman strength to lift all the stuff you have to take with you
- Going to GBK later so resolved to limit calorie intake during day so I had room for tonight. In work 3 mins and had doughnut - I am so weak!
- In conservatory, eating food… on a TABLE!! Holy fucknuts this is SO EXCITING!!
To be honest since I started using Twitter regularly I’ve hardly made any original posts on here at all. Blogs are evolving - most of the things I want to mention don’t warrant an entire blog post to themselves, but just putting a quick line or two about it on Twitter does the job perfectly. Combine Twitter with Flickr and you’ve pretty much got everything you need.