God, back to the real world? DAMMIT

Aug 10, 2010 04:14

So. Flying out of Pittsburgh tomorrow afternoon, heading home from a week of complete and total awesome. *sigh*

Spent several lovely days at Chez Cartney, hitting up random concerts and used CD stores and yarn shops... We went to see Secondhand Serenade last Saturday, and then caved in and bought Idol tickets for the Sunday show in Duluth. I got some pictures from the SS show, and many many more from the Idol show... They're all up on my Flickr account, so go take a peek if so inclined. :)

Random: I got a message today from a Pinoy Didi Benami fansite (...she has fans? -- KIDDING) saying that they would like to post my Didi pictures, with credit, to their fansite. I haven't replied to them yet, mainly because I'm kind of floored by their request... I can't believe that they'd want my kind of crappy pictures in their forum, unless there really aren't that many pictures of Didi out there. Huh. Either way, I'll probably say yes, but I'm gonna wait till I'm back home-home to say yes.

Side note: Cartney, plz don't forget to send me my picture with my favoritest Idol, okay? My heart would break.

Left on Wednesday to head to West Virginia to road trip with Dar to Williamsburg, VA, Busch Gardens, and The Anthemic. I got dropped off at the Atlanta airport just as the sun was rising, because Cartney had an interview to nursing school she had to attend (have you heard anything, bb? Behind on the Twitter again...) - after a gate change, we boarded the plane at 9:30am as expected, but they had an issue with a microphone or something that would key itself on and not shut off, so there was a lot of static and background noise in the cockpit (hee! I said "cock"pit) that interfered with their ability to hear their radio transmissions, so they were attempting to fix the problem while we all hung out on the plane. Yay.

About an hour and a half later (!!!), they decide to switch us to a plane that actually works. So, we hightail our asses to another terminal altogether, and finally climb on board the second plane at just about the time we were supposed to be landing in PIT. -_-

But anyway, Dar was waiting there at the airport for me with a big old hug and a smile, and I was all \o/

So, we overnighted here at her home - the kids are adorable, both two- and four-legged, BTW - and left bright and early on Thursday morning for Williamsburg. :D

We ended up in a GHETTO hotel. They tried to run Dar's card so many times it locked her account. The shower was a cubby hole in the wall, basically, with no curtain and a showerhead that only pointed at the opposite wall. They were using a fucking shop-vac to vacuum the room next door, so when Dar turned on the hair dryer to dry her hair, it tripped a circuit breaker. The grounding hole on most of the outlets in the room were plugged up with...something... so she had to unplug the microwave in order to plug in her laptop to charge the battery. Etc. Etc.

I guess we should be happy that a) we had a microwave and a fridge in the room, b) no roaches! :D and c) the housekeeping woman fell in love with us and kept leaving us massive amounts of soft, fluffy towels. XD

We decided that after that fiasco, we would drive down to Virginia Beach and check the place out. So, we went. Got there at about high tide, wandered around in the surf for a while collecting seashells, and then got chased off the beach by a severe thunderstorm. XD

Friday, we debated between Colonial Williamsburg and VA Beach - the beach, being cheaper, won. I basically got fried in the sun, but it was SO FUCKING WORTH frolicking around in the surf for three hours, "TWSS"ing Dar on a regular basis when she got water in the face and mouth and eyes and ears... XD Back to Williamsburg, and a huge bottle of Bacardi Razz, and we were set for the night, to watch the boys' travel!fail tweets roll in and laugh our asses off and everything.

Saturday - BUSCH GARDENS, NIGHT 1! Dar convinced me to ride the "Escape from Pompeii" water ride (this is a feat in and of itself, mind you!). She rode "Apollo's Chariot." She fed french fries to a Mallard duck. There were Dippin' Dots! And we ended up with a pretty damn good view from the lawn of a band of bearded bastards in black and white singing some rock songs. ;)

Met up with dreamerren and honestys_easy for post show dinner, and talked shop (ie, "fic") for a good hour or so, and drooled over their awesome second-row Skib pictures.

Sunday, Dar and I got to the park a little earlier, and got right into line... next to Ren and H_E. XD So, we roasted a bit more in the sun, for about 8 hours altogether, sweated our asses off, etc. - to end up with our own second-row Skib spot behind Ren and H_E in the front row. ♥

We came, we saw, we took pictures, we fangirled. XD


I think I'm happiest with the fact that Dar was finally able to SEE the boys, in all their glory, and get some amazing pics to boot. Oh, and she got a David guitar pick. *\o/*

And today, we came home. *le sigh*

I actually finished going through the 700+ pictures from Saturday night, and uploaded the ones I didn't toss en masse to Flickr. I'm working on culling and uploading last night's pics... there's about 150 from Sunday on there already, but I had another 700 pics to go thru, so it's gonna be a while. XD

And it's fucking 4:15 in the morning here. And I'll get woken up around 7 or 8 by the kids, I'm sure. So I should try to sleep. XD

Night, all. :D

courts: still a dirty filthy enabler. :p, cartney is reeeeeedickoolous., williamsburg '10 - a cook in the busch, i *heart* my flist, dar is my braintwin :), i do what now?

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