Sep 04, 2007 22:32
I am stupid-happy to be in grad school. Like, if I wasn't starving to death and about to pass out, I'd be in danger of becoming completely engulfed by a wave of joy that comes with the discovery of something 'right.'
* I have the TA position I was chasing. I get to actually plan and teach the course alongside the professor (my academic adviser, Andres), not just make copies and staple syllabi. It's 'Collaboration: Art as a Social Force.' Apparently all my organizing experience (such as it is) has suddenly become academically viable. This is going to be my first time getting paid to teach and organize. It's nuts.
* I had my first class tonight (Social Theory for Artists and Cultural Workers) and the level of conversation was so high I almost didn't know what to do with myself. That's not enough to describe it -- I was expecting something less, something more like all those unflattering stereotypes about emotionally distance academicians who have never even met the people they talk about helping. But goddammit, everything was right from the very beginning and I'm going to have to work my ass off to keep up with it all. So yay.