Feb 25, 2011 11:58

Okay, since the googledoc kept crashing, I have taken all the previously mentioned comments and put them here! Keep discussion to this post now please.


Please include all discussion below, and please try to proceed in a sane and linear fashion - that is, respond to each post. Also no fighting be nice etc.

Teal: It is helpful to pick a color so we can differentiate you! this is Teal’s color :D

Surge: This is totally my color okay? And also my font because Calibri is best font. Anyway, I was gonna go ahead and sign HAL up for this when it happened...

Teal: Sounds good to me bro :D does he want his own Halhaus within our industrial rave party?

Surge: Oh hell yes he does. He will classy that fucker up with all sorts of crazy shit. Mostly a lot of holographic star, Jupiter, Saturn and a Monolith if his sector has a park in it. Otherwise, no Monolith.

Mica: I would dearly love for one of the Mass Effect Crew to get caught up in all this- if only for how EDI will then pursue their rescue. Bonus points if HAL has them and she attempts to idk flirt with him to get access? I don’t think she has enough cred with SHODAN to get in with the nutter-AI.

Mindy: Now with fun font and color. I’d like to sign Nemesis up for the good guy team if nobody’s objecting? (WHO WANTS A GIANT ROBOT OF SHOOTY TO HANG OUT WITH :U)

Liana: Gah, so many colors to choose from. ANYWAY: I’m pretty sure I expressed interest in involving Terezi with horrible experiment times, which would presumably give at least some of the weird cyborg mutants like awesome smelling powers or whatever. You still up for that?

Kari: Dave will not be getting captured for experimentation! However, provided the mods were okay with permanent side-effects (and even if they weren’t), I’d still be interested in him getting hooked mid-log, as we’d discussed before. In general, though, his job here is going to be staying on Team KICKASS RESCUE. B)

Teal: You guys do realize that you can put your own names and other info under the lists yourself right ;) I don’t have to do it. (just don’t DELETE anything)

Teal: Oh and yes, Liana, I am SO UP WITH THAT. Mica, no, she doesn’t have enough SHODAN cred to get in with her, ShODAN would be like BITCH PLZ. Surge, of COURSE Hal can have the park area of the zone we’re in, it’s a whole residential zone, so we got a lot to work with! He is welcome to make it JUPITER and SATURN and MONOLITH and THUS SPRACH ZARAHTURSTRA (editor’s note: Zarathustra :D) or however it’s spelled playing on loop forever.

Rama: I put Vaultie up as a victim and he can be put through p much anything. I don’t mind. I kind of want to see what HAL wants to do so Vaultie can judge :’D
okay RuPaul’s drag race is on I will rainbow highlight later

Mica: I put Jiji up as a Victim because I enjoy inflicting terrible things on people’s psyche, apparently- Rama what the hell are you even. /plays erasure for you

Mindy: Rama get out. B| ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Liana: No way, you can’t just stop there, Rama. You have to edit your entire message into rainbow colors. OH MY GOD YOU’RE DOING IT THIS IS AWESOME

Mica: seconded ^

Mindy: If the document crashes, WE NOW KNOW WHY. XD

Surge: Mica HAL is an A.I. and totally immune to flirting. She could probably hack him if she can figure out his coding, since it comes from SUPER ANCIENT AU 2001 land. And Vaultie you are going to be SO DISAPPOINTED. Hal is killing anyone who tries to fuck with his control that isn’t SHODAN or Prism. Possibly not Vaultie. But that is it..

WAT DO? baww oh Hal

Mica: I figured he would be immune XD. This isn’t crackland. Besides, EDI’s a classy lady and not prone to hormone-driven courtship rituals. I think this is a good plan. We should find a victim from her crew for HAL to kidnap so that she can- MAYBE JOKER, IDK.
Anyone will do.

Surge: Does the crew have anything he would want though? HAL is logical enough that he’d kidnap if SHODAN or Prism ordered him to but aside from that he is pretty chill..

Ruin: Well, Shepard seems pretty protective of Red, the trolls, and a few others. How about one of them, idk? Or Pino, but that would be evil.

Teal: holy shit I love how fast the Victim slots are filling this is amazing. I GUESS SING LIKES TORMENT.

Mica: Well, Mordin is very sciencey, which may appeal to him? Garrus and Thane are snipers, which may prove problematic, from a tactical standpoint, if HAL felt like neutralizing them. Shepard, as mentioned, is a leader-type person with a lot of influence and is a logical target... They have the neatest guns? They may or may not be holding EDI the AI hostage? I....do...not know what motivation to offer.

Surge: I think he’d probably try to take Shepard if Hiku has her on the Earthborn route. Mostly because she would remind him of ~*~home~*~ and if her crew tried to fuck with his shit he would probably threaten to murder her? Otherwise I got nothin’. If any of the crew gives a damn about Vaultie, HAL will probably be actively looking for him because they’re BFFs sorta.

Mica: That seems like plenty. It’s not like it takes a great deal of Shepard-threatening to get the Normandy Crew to murder people. Re: Vaultie- I’d have to ask Hiku and/or the others.

Pen: Gamzee will probably tag along with the rescue mission if other trolls are going, since that’s just what he does lol. Also i’d love for Pino to be involved. IDK how but I shall think of something. LOL THIS IS SO FUNNY TO WATCCH WHILE OTHER PEOPLE EDIT THIS. doot doot doot

Surge: If Gamzee goes, Kanaya is pretty much fated to come along to make sure he doesn’t do something COMPLETELY HERP DERP DERPY.

Teal: Clearly this means that Gamzee should have one FLIP THE FUCK OUT moment against a Neural Reaver or an Ogre before going back to OOH COLORS.

Pen: I AGREE WITH THIS. I want to be a bit cautious with it since I don’t want him doing a RAGE flipout every time something like this happens which LMFAO SOUNDS LIKE IT’S PRETTY COMMON AROUND THESE PARTS. And yes I see Mindy typing below and I thing that will be fine. The occasional mild flip out could work :) Also I am saving his uber Bard of Rage psychowhatthefuck time for a ~*special~* occasion. haha YES! aND YEAh Inorite, it’s like dave strider got in here and whipped out some time shenanigans.

Mindy: What about a near-flipout? Like, the equiv of three or four lines, just enough to give HS cast a chance to go OSHI- before things are calm? I think the PWTFTIME term is ‘subjuggulation’, n? also wow we will screw anyone up trying to read these two bits of ours because we’re typing them at the same time. SHENANIGINS, EVERYWHERE. ALL OF THEM. ALL OF THEM.

Teal: Re: Obi-wan, I think it’d be totally doable/cool for you to USE DA FORCE to fix mindless/brainwashed people!




Pen: I am now current me.

Mindy: >>type normally
You are now being boring.

Surge: You’re all nerds. :B

Mindy: ilu2. Even if I copypasta things wrong at first. Moving on.

Pen: It occurs to me that while Pino isn’t exactly...a CRAZY AI, she does have a virus that basically wipes out her home dome in the future in canon. Wow that sentence was fail. BUT ANYWAY, could she theoretically be in Shodan’s area and just kind of...I don’t want to say be overlooked, but like. Hm. She could maybe be in the area derping out and thinking it’s a game until people start screaming lololol. Then she will hide in a vent or something. TINY INSIDER?

Mica: EDI will talk her through all the spy things, like a boss. It’ll be like one of those action films where Harrison Ford is the president and has to be taught how to land the plane while actually landing the plane.

Except that Pino will be saving the day instead of safely piloting jets. Thoughts?

Mindy: I think better she safely pilot them then land-crash. Also that it would be adorable.

Vic: Awh yeah, Droid serif. Bluh bluh anyways Prism is totes in this on the crazy AI side, if SHODAN wants him. He’s got Sentinels and a Gatherer floating around with him buuut he’s not particularly interested in anything outside of his zone inside of Kurzweil atm. That said, if anything comes near his stuff during this event Prism is going to flip his shit.

Pen: Awww yeah broski. Pino will land all the jets. Right into SHODAN’s FACE. Also holy fuck look at Sil being all a boss up above me. Silvic. No you know what I’m gonna keep calling you Sil and confusing everyone. Oops, more time shenanigans.

Tricks: oh wow this is all soooooo coooooooool!!! OK so I have a big subplot with Sollux and Dave but I am going to go type that up in a word doc first so you guys can see it all first and then yeah we will have fun. SO BRB.

Teal: Prism is welcome in our rave party :D Also Tricks, you can feel free to append hm no perhaps not the best idea :|a is there a way to link googledocs in your googledoc?

i put a googledoc in your googledoc so you could edit while you edit?

Buttercup: Sarah will be horrified if/when she finds Pino running around in nightmare AI land. And then she might send her to do her dirty work and sneak in to spy on/unplug SHODAN because she is tiny and will not be noticed. /is horrible.

Pen: Well it is true. She is tiny and also A ROBOT. Aka clearly secretly evil.

Buttercup: THAT’S RIGHT she is a robot! Well, Sarah’s feelings about putting Pino in potential danger will probably be dependent on if they get any CR beforehand and whether she manages to endear herself to Sarah at all first. IT’S POSSIBLE, she does like kids. And she’s trying not to be (quite as) prejudiced when it comes to AI.

Pen: This is true. I shall have to get pino out there more. Also I think she might be due for a post, maybe :|a

Dandy: JSYK I added Equius to the victim list and I’m totes cool with him dying in case random death is needed. |’D Also, Jack Spicer would not be willing to help with hacker/saving things, but he might be trying to find a way to take advantage of the ruckus. IDK. /fails at plotting thiiiings

I need to remember that there a bajillion Jacks, orz.

Teal: Dandy, how would you feel about Equius getting candy red blood?

Tricks: Okay so obviously Sollux is a victim!! He is something of a special case in all this in that SHODAN a) really rather likes him b) wants to poke at his insides [and make creepy crawlies by warping his DNA] c) wants him to be her herald/avatar/closepersonthing I guess? As far as Teal and I have talked about. SO he is going to be kidnapped, drugged, experimented on, brainwashed to some degree, and then SHODAN is going to start cyborgifying him and hooking him into her.

At this point Dave enters the scene! He charges in like a BIG GODDAMN HERO at the first opportunity and ends up getting isolated and parasite’d in some fashion. Sollux takes notice of this since the mutants are kinda a hivemind directed by SHODAN, and since they are platonically romantically involved it triggers feelings of THAT IS MINE YOU DO NOT TAKE THINGS WHICH ARE MINE in him that allow him to break free of SHODAN’s influence and disconnect his brain from hers a bit. As the parasite worm starts transforming Dave’s body, Sollux uses his influence to keep his mind from being infected and slow the transformation/etc and directs him to the lab where he will be, with SHODAN’s autoprocesses operating on him and stuff.

Once it’s safe to unhook Sollux without killing him Dave will shut off the machinery, and Sollux will return the favor by de-worming him, which he should know how to do since he was connected to SHODAN. He’ll have a few physiological changes (see: gills, axolotl fins, possibly a trollhorn) but overall will be pretty well off. Then they will HIGHTAIL IT THE FUCK OUT OF THERE. Like the best bros that they are.

After this Sollux will need some time to recuperate and will be out for most of the fight, but I would really like him to join in the final struggle, maybe dealing the final blow on the hacking side of things while Sarah does her own thing on her end?? Idk!! LETS HAVE FUN AND DISCUSS THIS GUYS.

Also obvs this was all run by Kari and Teal first derp derp

Teal: *licks this delicious cherry red text*

Kari: Yessssssss.

Teal: Oh man I am so happy Bioshock!Jack is in this, given that Bioshock is kind of the sucessor to System Shock. SHODAN will be VERY UNHAPPY about YET MORE WRENCH WEILDING PSYCHIC HOOLIGANS up in her business.

Aave: Ok so Teal we should probably discuss the sordid details of what’s happening to Davesprite? Because idk

Teal: yes. I believe what will happen is t... hmm. okay. SHODAN can get information about Sburb’s coding from Sollux, which will give her the knowhow to hack him. She’ll need to capture him first, but then she’ll basically reprogram him so be her glowly servant.

Actually hell Tricks says she can probably brainwash Sollux into actually writing the code to do this.

Aave: Nice.

Mica: I added more Motoko stuff up there and I have ALL THE EVIL PLANS with Teal re: Motoko and brainhacking and her being SHODAN’s little pet supersoldier. If anyone requires getting killed, I am so eager for the Major to help make things dead.

Also, someone probably needs to deal with her, at some point. She’s kinna BAMF and hard to kill.

Rama: RE: Surge HAL looking for Vaultie? What would he do with him? :|a I am confused? Also maybe Vaultie starts turning robot by being fused into his suit and he gets super more paranoid than usual. Unless, you have something in mind.

Surge: TBH, he’s probably be trying to keep Vaultie from getting murdered by whatever the fuck is going on in the sector. If Vaultie starts getting out of hand, then HAL would murder the fuck outta him.

Rama: okay! Vaultie is just going to be super paranoid and turning into a robot thing. He might get out of hand if people start prodding him and he starts shooting things, but he’ll probably stay in HAL’s sector since due to paranoia he’ll try to stick with things/people he knows, even if he doesn’t really trust them anymore

Vic: Just a heads up: if the mods do approve retaining traits, I’d prefer if people didn’t keep xeno ones after the event ends. This is just because Grid would essentially end up spawn camping them into oblivion and that’s... just not fun for anyone orz It’s part of the whole WE ARE THE SUPERIOR RACE bs mindset xenomorphs have--she just wouldn’t tolerate weirdass mixes that weren’t created from the traditional birthing method. She’s going to be freaking out as-is.

Mica: Might want to highlight that, Vic. It is an Important Note.

Rama: I CAN HIGHLIGHT IT IN RAINBOW hahah <3 VIC you could bold and make it bigger to stand out like THIS HUFHDS or something

Mica: I think we have enough rainbow crazy. No wait what am I saying THERE IS NEVER ENOUGH. <3333333

Mindy: Okay, the font color with the highlight is making my eyes bleed. Can that be altered, please? Thank you. ♥♥♥

Surge: Okay so I think I have HAL done on this event. He’s gonna get his small sector with park and hardline himself into the station somewhere seekrit. He’ll probably take control of the loudspeaker systems in it so he can talk to Vaultie, while projecting a night sky. Contents of the night sky are an enlarged Jupiter and Saturn. Conents of the park are one monolith in the middle. I’m still not sure about HAL kidnapping anyone, as he isn’t really THAT kind of crazy. If he does take anyone, it won’t be Vaultie and he would end up handing them over to Prism so he can melt them. So anyone who wants Prism to fucking kill them, feel free to wander into HAL’s sector.

>>talk to vaultie
>>project beautiful night sky


Xander: I’d REALLY like to have Medic involved in the fighting part (and possibly being a test subject for GLaDOS). He’d probably need to be teamed up with someone capable, though, but he’ll be available for heals/support/etc.

Mica: Obi-Wan could totes team up with Medic. He’s skilled on the defense and makes a good shield.

Hiku: OH MAN. KAY, just finished reading through everything. If I say something silly here that’s already been cleared up, please tell me. I am not sure I caught everything even though I tried to read carefully.

Surge - Shepard is on the Earthborn backhistory, just fyi. I’d like to involve her in this event somehow, but not sure. HAL might be fun if you want to do something with that. :D He’s all nostalgic and she’s all B| and good times will be had by none. And by none, I mean us.

Mica - you had an idea? ...and I’m reading back over to get a much clearer idea of what that is... and either my brain is fried or we never discussed anything solid. IDK, im me or clear it up in here, plz. As for EDI being involved, Shepard would probably get her on this when she discovers Sollux in trouble. Or Red. Or any of her station-based Bros.

Is anyone else in Normandy Haus going to participate? Plotting would be awesome.

As for everyone else, I’d love to shove Hardison at this plot, either from the outside or as someone who gets caught inside and has to hack out. Tron cast people, you guys have plans? Clearly there need to be some hacker savior times? Buttercup, is Parker involved? Inside or outside? Hardison might want to coordinate getting her in to get some people out of there, since she is an awesome infiltrator of awesomeness?

If Blue is throwing CLU at this, I’d love to shove Kaylee into his light grid. I mean clearly she loves these games and is totally trusting of him. She gotta die somewhere. Otherwise, i think Shodan’s section might scar Kaylee for life, so probably no.... Depending on what state Cindy is in when this starts, I may sign her up somehow, but I’ll need to ponder that.

Don’t suppose Dug will be of use to anyone ever. As usual.

Tricks: sup hiku. OK SO UM if you do want to get Shep involved and need an excuse - the shit SHODAN is going to do to Sollux is going to be pretty intense and body horror-y, so um considering he’s part of the honorary Normandy crew, she could always get pissed about that.

Hiku: That sounds good to me. She does have a soft spot for the lispy bastard and horrifying things are something he doesn’t deserve. (Poor kid, I read that and went D:)

Xander: I would be A-OKAY with Medic teaming up with Obi-Wan, Mica.

Louise: I’m pretty much okay with anything happening to Vriska as long as she doesn’t get completely brainwashed. Because she’s going to be pretty adamant about not wanting these traumatic memories/mutations/eww gross cybernetic spiderlimbs, so she’ll be going for CURE OPTION 2 and rage-suiciding at the first opportunity she gets (sorry, torturebuddies, she’s totally going to abandon you to save her own ass). After that I’m happy to have her join the rescue mission or sit on the sidelines sulking, either works~

Teal: okay I just got slammed with work. Uh... kay.

so a few things:

1. Some folks are having some problems where the doc keeps crashing :( I am not sure how to solve this, but if we can find some way to make it so they can see this, that’d be awesome. I’d do it myself, except school just woke up and went HAHA REMEMBER FREE TIME!? BET YOU LIKED THAT DIDN’T YOU.

2. I’d like to know from you guys - yes you - when you want this plot to go down. I can look at my own schedule and see when I’ll have the most time to devote to it, and we can figure it out. I can wait for a LONG time before we start, seriously. If we want to wait till MAY for this I’m good.

3. WHERE do we want this? It’ll take over one Residential zone; this will obviously affect some people’s housing arrangements and entertainment options. Which place do you guys not mind getting overrun by hideousness? Probably best to AVOID Kurzwiel as I think it’s the most densely populated.

4. … I forgot what four was. :|

Mica: I vote for Zone 7 (Stross) if for no other reason than that it says it has lots of parks and restaurants and things, which seems optimal for all the evil A.I. to have room to spread out their shit.

Buttercup: HIKU: Parker can totally be in on this too. I’m thinking probably from the outside, since Sarah will be fighting SHODAN from the inside and that would reduce the chance of muncesting. Shepard can order her to help with the rescue (and then Parker can recruit Hardison so you don’t have to talk to yourself) or else she can decide on her own/with Hardison that this is something that needs to be stopped. I’m open.

Len: Tossing Nepeta in for rescue shenanigans. EQUIUS STOP MAKING HER WORRY. If anyone wants to grab her in her wild and unplanned search that would be awesome, since she’s basically not thinking beyond ‘kill things get Equius kill more things that made him hurt’ and that’s not gonna fly here. xD

Dragon: Having trouble actually reading most of the doc due to the conversation making the thing huge. May want to consider taking the chatter and discussion to an LJ post and editing things into this as it’s finalized. Killing my computer, and while I’d like to be involved, just getting this in has been a pain. :( Can’t really acccess much outside the first 2 parts and the end couple paragraphs.

Teal: I’m trying to figure out a solution to this, but it’s kind of hard since I have all the deadlines, all of them. If anyone else wants to take responsibility for figuring this part out, you’re welcome to, but I genuinely cannot deal with this right now.

which is why I am still technically on a hiatus. x_x; I’d also like to say guys that it’s not like this is SUPER URGENT - this plot lies in the nebulous future, so it’s not like you’ll be left out of it if you don’t jump on it right away.

Dragon: No worries. Wasn’t sure how imminent this was, so I figured I’d say something. Take your time and worry about RL first, as you’re still on hiatus. If there’s plenty of time to work things out, a little technical difficulties now isn’t a big deal.

Tricks: OKAY SO MY FRIEND DREW ME A CYBORG SOLLUX THING in part as comfort for having to go through surgery AND IT IS SO AMAZING YOU ALL NEED TO SEE IT RIGHT NOWWWWWW: http://guttyworks.tumblr.com/photo/1280/3456202276/1/tumblr_lh1tpwWgGu1qggxw5

/back to your regularly scheduled plotting post

Kari: Um, I have no idea if anyone else is interested in this? But, since I’m kind of going for a perma-mutation, Teal pointed out that this is the kind of thing that might need run by the mods. So if your character wants to keep something permanently, just restating what Teal’s document says: make a request. Probably early, so that you know in advance.


If I get the okay, I was thinking that the less… uh, physically inclined hackers could act as MISSION CONTROL for some of the more STREET-TOUGH MAVERICK ACTION HERO TYPES. Specifically, if it's okay with Teal/everyone, I'm going to have Ed here in the background/bowels of the sector with ALL COMMS OPEN, essentially acting as the server player/helper sprite for people (or a singular person) by helping to direct them over their wearable. He's going to be HAXING SOME (not all) SECURITY CAMERAS in order to try and get a better view of precisely WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON, as he is a squishy and breakable wee little programmer and way definitely not a fighter.

If your hacker character wants to do something similar, then maybe it would be cool to set up a MISSION CONTROL CENTER of sorts (MCC) and have this RAGTAG TEAM OF HACKERS sit around and direct people like a fucking creepy/way more intense version of A WARCRAFT PARTY or something? Simultaneously, the hackers would be trying to find SHODAN's source code and bahlete all of her program files, etc, etc, while helping out all of you action heroes!

Siri and I talked about Ed essentially being Sam's server player, but I'm pretty sure Ed can multitask like nobody's bidness and help multiple people at the same time. There's still stuff to be worked out with Blue re: Clu's HOLY SHIT IT'S ANOTHER GAME GRID deathtrap and Sam getting stuck on it -- and idk if that's even a solid plan -- but in the case that it is, Ed will be busy trying to break people out of it and/or gain full access to cameras and whatnot.

Anyway, lemme know if any of y'all want to be on the BROHAX TEAM, or if your characters are up for some audio/visual aide via: random server players.

(A-also this still kind of needs to be cleared, but um. Just throwing ideas out there!)

Lainie: HI I’M LAINIE AND I WANT MY CHARS TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS. As for BROHAX TEAM I do have two hackers that might be useful but they are both physically inclined. Noble Two (the chick in the blue armor and robot arm) is the most brilliant cryptoanalyst in Halolz so she might be useful with that.... Isaac Clarke is a systems eningeer and honestly he’d probably be more comfy relaxing combat-wise as long as he can. But yeah he’s sorta hackery too, but his experience comes from actually... tearing apart machinery.

...although Isaac has terrible luck so i’m also willing to throw him up for idk, test subjecting

Sid: HI LAINIE! :> Physically inclined hackers are a bonus too! Noble Two and Isaac can totally get in on these shenanigans. Whatever you wanna do with either is totally awesome, whether it be test-subjecting or ACTION HACKING. (Also, that cryptoanalysis thing will probably come in handy what with... everything, so AW HALE YES NOBLE TWO.)

Lainie: KAT IS USED TO BEING idk, a commander of sort. She sets up OPs and sends out teams on them so she’d totally be k with hanging out with the less physically inclined people and protecting them while work is being done.

Sid: That sounds like an amazing plan. I APPROVE OF THIS PLAN.

Lainie: BY THEIR POWERS COMBINED they might not die. YAY. ...I should also mention she’s 6’9” and weighs half a ton in her assault armor so. people get to hang out with a giant.

Sid: Ed is used to hanging around giants SAM FLYNN >:| I mean. This is good! At least they’ll all feel super-protected, which is going to help with focus with protecting the other people, etc. Also! If she wanted to do some MISSION CONTROL shit of her own, that would be super epic awesome. Whatever you want to doooo.)

Siri: You’re just jealous because you are wee tiny, Ed. :| (But yes, all of the hackers and cryptanalysts and giant soldier people are welcome. Because they are awesome.)

Siri: OH ALSO. Um. Maybe I should say what my characters are doing. Sam is probably going to end up on Clu’s Game Grid (FUCKING AGAIN) where he will hopefully probably not die despite the fact that Clu is a cheating cheater forever. Once he gets out of there, though, he’s on Team Awesome Brohax. (Operating under the assumption that he DOES get out--I mean what.)

Depending on what Abraxas is doing, Gibson may or may not end up infected (FUCKING AGAIN)... or, you know, he’s a computer program. He can be reprogrammed and traumatized in lots and lots of different ways. :3 (I’m flexible, and Gibson is kind of useless when he’s not crazy and infected.)

Sid: Oh shiiiiiiit Abraxas. WHAT IS EVEN HAPPENING THERE. I don’t know, but I suspect it will be something creepyawesome. (Also, Ed will be helping peeps off the game grid etc. Or attempting to. I am also flexible.)

Kuruma: I believe Jayde and Corny are tossing around having Abraxas infect Anon.

Kuruma: Flynn will probably end up getting caught by Clu because I EAT UP ANGST WITH A SPOON but then he will be on Team Hax. Or whatever. I’m flexible.

Sid: I am trying to figure out how Ed’s gonna snuff it. Maybe via Abraxas or some mutant thing or idk. Thinking out loud here.

Siri: Slowly and horribly. :3

Sid: It’s sad how on board with that idea I am. :|

Kuruma: Guys, I’d like to arrange it so the Tronplot section of SHODAN’s Crazy Fun Dance Party isn’t totally closed off to people from other canons if they want in.


Siri: Seriously, we love you all and would love to find awesome ways for your characters to be traumatized forever by Clu and/or Abraxas and/or whatever other shenanigans we may have. <3

Kuruma: Clu can have all kinds of different victims for the Games (this is your chance to ride a light cycle!) and they’re going to need people who can fight for the rescue mission, since I don’t think Clu is going to allow Users to have phenomenal cosmic powers on his perfect system. Aaaaaaand I don’t want to make any promises for Abraxas because I don’t know what Corny’s got planned.

Siri: seriously, you guys, you want to ride the lightcycles. THEY ARE THE BEST.


Blue: Despite orange text. :D CLU wants to play with everybody; I am down for anything. YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO RACE, OKAY.

Fffff, basically it looks like some/all of us should go talk with Corny and Jayde? Because AW YEAAAH.

Kuruma: Also: Disc Wars. Rinzler won’t kill Users, so you’re pretty safe. /cough

Siri: Are people going to be issued identity discs, though? I mean, I don’t see a problem with that, but lightcycles are at least operable by just about everybody, y/n/kittens? (also, that is a terrible definition of “pretty safe”)

Kuruma: Oh, right. idek. /gives no fucks/has clearly thought this out in detail

Seriously life?

Kuruma: Troncast, why don’t I friend all of you with Flynn’s journal and put up a discussion post there, then we can come back and not be constantly editing this after we’ve figured things out?

Sid: Aaaaand that’s all taken care of. Back to your regularly scheduled discussion area!

Hiku: OHAY tron folks. I’d love to sliiide Kaylee up in that game grid, mostly because Shep is probably going to be dealing with HAL and Shodan will traumatize the shit out of her, so Tron is a nice medium that isn’t muncesting... and I would love to get Hardison up on this Hacker business. He’ll be working on getting people in and out already with Parker so this LAN party saving the everyone business is right up his alley.

Plus, they all need to be in the same room eventually, amirite?

Sid: Once Ed figures out that the Flynns have gotten their asses gridnapped -- and even before that -- he’ll be CALLING ALL HACKERS. So he’ll probs hit up Hardison right away and they can team up and then LAN PARTIES OF GREAT FUCKING JUSTICE will be had. (Also, omg Kaylee, gurl you best be careful. I AM EXCITE TO SEE HOW THAT PANS OUT. It’s gon’ be epic.)

Pen: Is there any chance we could get an abridged version of all of this up on the OOC comm? Not necessarily now, but sometime. I know a bunch of people are having problems with teh gdoc format and want to be involved in the more discussiony stuff :)

Mindy: Blue; CAR ON GRID. Y/N?

Kari: @Pen - I’m pretty sure that’s actually being worked on! We’re not in a huge rush for time here, so it may take a little while, but that’s indeed the plan, to move all discussion to a post on the OOC comm and keep the essential details/outlines/confirmed shit in this post. C:


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