Limbus & t3h r3turn of t3h S4M!

May 24, 2010 18:25

So back from a 2 week break after being kicked from the events shell I was in (apparently I never attended any events even tho I lead sky and was on other events 90% of the time.. oh well)

Got some friends to do Limbus with me, 2 runs 2 chips ftw :P
This was today on Apollyon SE.
To be fair, 2nd floor didn't help neither Curjos(BLU) nor Kris(DRK).
They are all pretty good players and it's been a while since I had so much fun in any event ^^

Damage Summary
Player Total Dmg Damage % Melee Dmg Range Dmg Abil. Dmg WSkill Dmg Spell Dmg Other Dmg
Curjos 83180 28,55% 19679 0 0 3812 59689 0
Dehlia 723 0,25% 0 0 0 0 723 0
Kris 60261 20,68% 28990 0 215 29928 1128 0
Veyronn 143572 49,27% 42086 0 0 99716 0 1770
SC: Darkness 1654 0,57% 0 0 0 0 0 0
SC: Detonation 220 0,08% 0 0 0 0 0 0
SC: Fragmentation 1449 0,50% 0 0 0 0 0 0
SC: Induration 325 0,11% 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 291384 100,00% 90755 0 215 133456 61540 1770

Melee Damage
Player Melee Dmg Melee % Hit/Miss M.Acc % M.Low/Hi M.Avg #Crit C.Low/Hi C.Avg Crit%
Curjos 19679 23,66% 355/0 100,00% 0/162 52,97 27 0/258 85,33 7,61%
Kris 28990 48,11% 136/0 100,00% 0/538 204,18 13 0/592 298,15 9,56%
Veyronn 42086 29,31% 180/27 86,96% 72/426 212,97 21 195/514 391,62 11,67%

Other Physical Damage (Counterattacks and Retaliations)
Player CA.Dmg CA.Hit/Miss CA.Low/Hi CA.Avg Ret.Dmg Ret.Hit/Miss Ret.Low/Hi Ret.Avg
Veyronn 1770 11/0 0/340 160,91 0 0/0 0/0 0,00

Weaponskill Damage
Player WSkill Dmg WSkill % Hit/Miss WS.Acc % WS.Low/Hi WS.Avg
Curjos 3812 4,58% 7/0 100,00% 291/888 544,57
- Expiacion 1321 34,65% 3/0 100,00% 322/518 440,33
- Savage Blade 1179 30,93% 2/0 100,00% 291/888 589,50
- True Strike 694 18,21% 1/0 100,00% 694/694 694,00
- Vorpal Blade 618 16,21% 1/0 100,00% 618/618 618,00
Kris 29928 49,66% 20/0 100,00% 40/3018 1496,40
- Backhand Blow 350 1,17% 2/0 100,00% 162/188 175,00
- Combo 40 0,13% 1/0 100,00% 40/40 40,00
- Cross Reaper 2919 9,75% 2/0 100,00% 831/2088 1459,50
- Guillotine 23699 79,19% 13/0 100,00% 690/3018 1823,00
- Insurgency 2920 9,76% 2/0 100,00% 1218/1702 1460,00
Veyronn 99716 69,45% 62/2 96,88% 452/2774 1608,32
- Penta Thrust 54744 54,90% 38/0 100,00% 452/2494 1440,63
- Tachi: Gekko 37192 37,30% 19/2 90,48% 1472/2774 1957,47
- Tachi: Kasha 1028 1,03% 1/0 100,00% 1028/1028 1028,00
- Tachi: Rana 5480 5,50% 3/0 100,00% 1378/2120 1826,67
- Tachi: Yukikaze 1272 1,28% 1/0 100,00% 1272/1272 1272,00

Ability Damage
Player Abil. Dmg Abil. % Hit/Miss A.Acc % A.Low/Hi A.Avg
Kris 215 0,36% 8/0 100,00% 0/42 26,88
- Weapon Bash 215 100,00% 8/0 100,00% 0/42 26,88
Veyronn 0 0,00% 4/0 100,00% 0/0 0,00
- Blade Bash 0 0,00% 4/0 100,00% 0/0 0,00

Spell Damage
Player Spell Dmg Spell % #Spells #Fail S.Low/Hi S.Avg #MBurst MB.Low/Hi MB.Avg
Curjos 59689 71,76% 93 0 0/1668 641,82 0 0/0 0,00
- Disseverment 19021 31,87% 21 0 453/1554 905,76 0 0/0 0,00
- Frenetic Rip 16857 28,24% 20 0 180/1246 842,85 0 0/0 0,00
- Head Butt 3325 5,57% 28 0 0/238 118,75 0 0/0 0,00
- Hysteric Barrage 20486 34,32% 24 0 242/1668 853,58 0 0/0 0,00
Dehlia 723 100,00% 18 0 0/642 40,17 0 0/0 0,00
- Blizzard III 642 88,80% 1 0 642/642 642,00 0 0/0 0,00
- Dia II 81 11,20% 17 0 0/7 4,76 0 0/0 0,00
Kris 1128 1,87% 18 0 0/340 62,67 0 0/0 0,00
- Absorb-ACC 0 0,00% 1 0 0/0 0,00 0 0/0 0,00
- Aero II 15 1,33% 1 0 15/15 15,00 0 0/0 0,00
- Bio II 25 2,22% 1 0 25/25 25,00 0 0/0 0,00
- Blizzard 28 2,48% 1 0 28/28 28,00 0 0/0 0,00
- Drain 0 0,00% 6 0 0/0 0,00 0 0/0 0,00
- Drain II 1014 89,89% 5 0 0/340 202,80 0 0/0 0,00
- Fire 2 0,18% 1 0 2/2 2,00 0 0/0 0,00
- Stone II 9 0,80% 1 0 9/9 9,00 0 0/0 0,00
- Thunder 35 3,10% 1 0 35/35 35,00 0 0/0 0,00
Qla 0 0,00% 1 0 0/0 0,00 0 0/0 0,00
- Dia 0 0,00% 1 0 0/0 0,00 0 0/0 0,00

Skillchain Damage
Skillchain SC Dmg # SC SC.Low/Hi SC.Avg
SC: Darkness 1654 3 201/967 551,33
SC: Detonation 220 2 47/173 110,00
SC: Distortion 0 1 0/0 0,00
SC: Fragmentation 1449 1 1449/1449 1449,00
SC: Induration 325 2 39/286 162,50

Btw, if you need an EU based Omega only LS. Hit me up :P
Til next update - ciao!

ffxi, eu, chiibiimers, sam, quetzalcoatl, limbus

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