Measure 22.

Aug 20, 2008 00:02

[video post]

Now this is quite interesting!

[The young man is quite clearly Machi - slender and still a little delicate, blue eyes, blond hair with that wing-like hairdo. He's dressed in burgundy and black - filled with those elegant flourishes that mark Borginian traditional style. When he speaks, his voice is slightly deeper, his accent less pronounced, though he still contains that same sort of androgynous energy.]

It seems I have aged a little! I would say... four or five years!

[He pauses. As he happens to be in Klavier's bathroom, he admires himself in the mirror, patting his hair and running fingers over his features and smiling.]

I look good!

[ooc: actionspam for Klavier's apartment, voice for everyone else. Fanart by the lovely night_requiem, unfortunately I had to crop it because Wocky's in the original. ;_; ]

aging day, curse day: affected, patting mr. edgeworth on the head, video, log: edgeworth, hey jupiter

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