Measure 41

Jan 22, 2009 19:27


[ Machi's sitting on the couch, pointing the network device at himself. He's dressed in jeans and a Gavinners T-shirt and a pink and white track jacket with a fox logo over. The jacket's many times too big on him. ]

Well, the last of everything is packed and gone, all that is left to go to the Host Club is me and Lumi. I just wanted to spend a little more time... [looks around, hugging his knees]

And I want to say goodbye. Even if you can't see it. Even if you never do.

Klavier Gavin, this is your apartment. You bring me here in June when I just show up here. I was very scared but you let me sleep under you keyboard, but tuck me into the bed once I fall asleep. I remember.

Puppy. Wocky. [smile] You are not here very long, but when you are, you treating me like I am made of gold. Even when you find out I am not a girl, you still want to be my boyfriend. I am happy my first kiss was with someone nice as you. I hope you have the surgery you need for your heart now. I hope you are listening to lots of good hip-hop. I hope you find a nice honey to settle down with.

[takes a deep breath] Mr. Edgeworth, I spent the most time with you. You lend me the piano to play whenever I want. You play violin with me. You always have a small smile for me, and tea. I think sometimes I only get out of bed because I know we're to have tea today. I am really sorry I disappoint you with my drinking. I am stupid. I hope you understand I am trying my best here, and I don't do it anymore. I... I really love you, you know. I never think... [hides his face in his arm, muffled] I am going to be brave now. I am going to be very grown-up. I can do this on my own now.

[ He wipes his eyes and stands up, turning around to wave at the room as if there's anyone else there. ]

Okay, I have to say goodbye now. I have to say goodbye or I will be sad forever. Goodbye, everyone! I am leaving it like it was so you can come back whenever!

Please don't forget me.

[ Machi turns around and flicks off the network device. ]

hip hop boy, patting mr. edgeworth on the head, my friend he is klavier, video

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