TM Topic 238- Freudian Slip

Jul 08, 2008 16:52

Machi and Kakeru are entering the student council room when they heard laughter from the other three members of the student council. Curiously, Kakeru runs up to the student body president, Yuki Sohma.

“Hey, Yun-yun! What is with the laughing? Did people finally find out that your really a princess?”

Yuki smiles coldly at the other boy and suddenly launches a roundhouse kick to Kakeru’s temple. Kakeru flies over a crouched Machi who had the sense to duck. Machi gives Yuki a solemn look with a small hint of curiosity. Being one to know Machi well enough to interpret her solemn looks, Yuki explains.

“Kimi, Nao, and I were talking about Freudian slips. We were just telling stories about our experiences with Freudian slips. As you can imagine, these stories are pretty embarrassing.”

Kakeru, recovering from the kick, rushes up to Yuki and waves his arm around frantically. “I want to tell embarrassing stories about Freudian slips! You have to hear about this one, Yun-yun!”

“Stop calling me, Yun-yun.”

“Machi and I were visiting America when this guy ran into us. We ended up in this big mess and when we tried to right ourselves, the guy’s hand was on Machi’s chest. I never saw such a Freudian slip before.”

Naohito shot up from his seat and shouts, “That’s not a Freudian slip! A Freudian slip is when you say something when you mean to say something else!”

Kakeru appears next to the surprised Nao and gave him a karate chop. “Stop making up things, Nao-chibi!”

Yuki, shaking his head in disbelief and pity, states, “Nao is right, Manabe.”

“Oh! So it’s like the time when our private music teacher told Machi that she had nice breasts?”

Machi, red with embarrassment, shouts, “No! That was sexual harassment since he meant to say that!”

“Oh! You mean it was like the time when an elderly old man said “That’s a nice round breast there?” when he meant beach ball? You remember that time right? It was during summer when we all went to the beach.”

Machi glares at her older brother. “How come you only remember the events that involve my breast?”

“I also remember the time I gave Yuki a pair of your underwear and the funny looks on both of your faces.”

Machi runs through the door, leaving it in pieces, as she shouts, “Stupid nii-san! I hate you!”

Yuki weakly calls out to her, “Machi, calm down… the school can’t take you going demon of destruction on it.”

Unfortunately, the young girl has already left the school with one less wall by this point. The remaining student council decides to run away before a teacher notices the lack of a fourth wall.

Muse: Machi Kuragi
Fandom: Fruits Basket
Words: 454
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