TM Topic 221 - Justice

Mar 15, 2008 19:37

Justice is in the eye of God. When God decides what justice is, we all have no choice but to obey. Unfortunately, justice for the Juunishi means far different from justice for other people. For God is Akito and justice is in ‘his’ hands.

Several Years Prior

Hatori wanted to marry Kana. It is what lovers want to do: always be with the person they love. The first thing Hatori needed was to have Akito’s blessing. Asking for the blessing was the beginning of the end for Hatori. God’s first rule is and will always be “God loves all and all must love God first and foremost”. To have a woman take her Hatori away is something unforgivable to Akito.

Akito grabbed the nearest object which happened to be a vase and smashed it into Hatori’s head. The impact damaged his left eye and made Hatori partially blind in that eye. Kana looked on in horror as Akito screamed, “It is all that woman‘s fault! You are supposed to love me first and foremost! Not some… some whore! I forbade this! You will not marry this thing!”

Akito glared into Kana’s eyes and shouted, “See how Hatori is bleeding and hurt?! That is all your fault! Why can’t you left him alone so he wouldn’t have to be hurt?! You did this to him! Your selfishness caused him to be in pain! How can you live with yourself knowing that he was hurt because of you?!”

Kana fell to her knees and cried. Akito walked away stating that ‘justice is done’.

A Year Prior

Rin loved Haru and that was the end of that. She didn’t care if he returned her feelings or not. It would make her happy knowing that he did. All she wanted was to be in love with him. That glorious feeling of loving another person is good enough for her. Rin sat at the window ledge looking at the day before her.

Akito was standing in the doorway of Rin’s room. The look of utter hatred on ‘his’ face was unimaginable. “Enjoying the view? Must be nice to be in love.”

Rin did not have time to react before Akito ran across the room and shoved her out the window. The sound of bone-breaking echoed throughout the yard. “God loves all and all must love God first and foremost. Justice is done.”

A Month Prior

Tohru was hurt. She was suffering from the being toss like a rag doll into the walls of the Sohma’s summer home. Akito was relentless when ‘he’ confronted her about her ‘sin’. How Tohru loved that despised creature known only as the Cat. While most of the others look down on the Cat as does ‘God’, the thought of the Cat not loving ‘him’ first and foremost upsets Akito.

“How can that… that thing love something as worthless as the Cat?! I should be the only one to love that wretched creature! It is my duty as God to do so. For someone to love that monster… they are trying to be God. They are trying to replace me. They think they can be a better God than me! No one is a better God than me! They will suffer… suffer long and deeply. Justice must be done!”

Akito goes into a crazed mumbling as the rest of the Juunishi wonder what has become of their God. Akito cares not for their wondering; ‘he’ has a usurper to deal with.


Machi looks at the head of the Sohma household. Akito looked so slim for such a powerful person. From what Yuki-kun has said of Akito, Machi was a little nervous. Crazed people with God complexes were rarely easy to deal with. Machi wondered why Akito wanted her in ‘his’ presences. It wasn’t until the table smashed across Machi’s body did ‘he’ speak. “How dare you come here after taking Yuki’s love away from me! You must pay for your crimes! Justice must be done!”

Machi was too shocked to react as Akito throws her out a second-story window. The flashes of rainbow light envelopes Machi as the glass breaks and surrounds her. All is silent until the sound of a body hitting the ground, then the sound of a splash as the body rolls into the Koi pond erupts from the yard. Laughter is heard from the second story of the main house. It sounds like madness.

Machi awoke to find herself on Hatori’s couch. He bandages the broken bone and cuts she received from her ordeal. Hatori softly says, “You are one tough little girl to survive being thrown out a window and almost drowning in a Koi pond.”

Machi vaguely recalls what he is talking about. All the people in the office rushed into the room to see if Machi was okay. She saw Haru, Yuki, Kyo, Rin, and Tohru surrounding her. All Machi could ask was this, “What happened?”

Yuki, in a tone that chilled the blood of all in the room, said one word, “Justice.”

Muse: Machi Kuragi
Fandom: Fruits Basket
Word Count: 840
OOC note: All the events which include Akito are canon. The only part that isn't would be the last part in Hatori's office. There were two possible "futures" in the canon: the real one and the alternative one. The alternative one had Machi drowning. Not a good future for Machi. It would also ruin any RP threads that Machi is involved in. So, just a little FYI.


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