Feb 17, 2009 22:14
By now it's common knowledge (or it should be) that California is tanking. The state is effectively out of money. The taxpayers may not receive their state refunds at all or at the very least, for quite some time. I suspect 'not at all'. Their crime-rate has done nothing but increase. Their unemployment and housing is abysmal and today they're laying off 20,000 government jobs.
It's not lost on me that California is the strongest liberal Democrat state. Is it lost on you?
The strongly Democrat states of Florida, New York and Illinois are also in terrible shape economically speaking.
All of these states have strong government intervention, regulation and "fairness" stuck to private industry thanks to liberal Democrats.
All of these states have horrible crime rates. All of these states have strong anti-gun legislation championed by liberal Democrats.
All-in-all, the heavily Republican state of Texas is pretty well booming economically relative to the nation, and it's crime rate is more than 'acceptable' thank you very much.
You can do this math. I know you can.