So it's been a while since I've really done anything on LJ, not counting the Reita/Ruki AU fiction contest which I freely admit I sort of half-assed because I thought the deadline was 3 days later than it actually was. I've logged in occasionally to skim my f-list but I haven't really been reading any fanfics or, truth be told, anything that requires more than 5 minutes of skim time. LJ's also been giving me some problems the last week or so (or maybe it's my browser) because the pages either don't load all the way or it won't let me preview posts, etc etc, so it's just been a pain logging in at all or trying to do anything.
And I've just been so tired lately; I wish the day had way more hours in it. It probably doesn't help that my sleeping pattern is beyond screwed up... last week there were a couple of days where I fell asleep in the evening for a "nap", woke up 5 hours later at midnight, then just stayed up straight until the following evening. And all of a sudden I've been a lot busier at work so a few of my days have been 10-12 hours long. *sigh*
On the bright side, I'm flying home in just about a week! So excited~
My only problem will be fitting all my Christmas gifts for my family into my suitcase, lol. All else fails, I'm keeping them for myself, muhaha. I just have one more week of work, an 8-hour exam, and massive amounts of apartment cleaning to do before I leave. Once I'm at home I probably won't be online all that much, so I might drop off the face of the earth LJ again for a few weeks.
tl;dr I apologise for the lack of posts/comments and the general not-being-around-ness. :\
Happy holidays everyone! ^^