
Jun 10, 2009 21:00

Nicked from kagejim

1. If you were forced to choose between saving the life of a beloved household pet or saving the life of a human stranger, which would you save?
* My pet.
* The stranger.
* I'd let them both die before choosing.

It depends on which is closer to me/easier to reach and whether I think my pet can manage to survive without my intervention. First instinct though would probably be saving my pet :p Then again, it might not be. Only one way to find out

2. The person you are seeing for awhile climbs in your window, crawls in bed with you and cuddles up. You find this:
* Scary
* A sign of neediness
* Cute
* The perfect time to ask them to move in

Depending on how I feel about the person, it could be any of the above.

3. For which emotion is self-restraint the most crucial?
* Anger
* Fear
* Lust
* Jealousy

Either anger or lust. ...Probably anger. More destructive.

4. If an otherwise perfect match gave you an ultimatum to become a vegetarian, what would you do?
* Comply - Become a vegetarian.
* Rebel - This would be a deal breaker.
* Smile - I'm already a vegetarian.

Comply. But it would really irk me if they're too demanding.

5. Imagine being all alone in the great outdoors, miles from anyone, with no communication device. Nobody knows where you are.
* This is something I would like.
* This is something I would avoid.

Something I would like if I had the means to get back to civilization when I want to.

6. Do you believe that victims of sex crimes have an obligation to report these crimes to the police?
* Yes.
* No.


7. Which would be closest to your response if you discovered there were nude pictures of a partner on the internet?
* Put an end to this relationship.
* Nothing - This is irrelevant.
* Encourage the practice - Let all the world see.
* Attempt to personally profit with more pictures.

The closest answer would be end the relationship, but realistically I'd ask how the pictures ended up online. A guy with a wild past is not the kind of guy I can imagine myself trusting.

8. Do you get angry when you lose a game?
* Usually
* Sometimes
* Never

Not angry, momentarily peeved :) Like "D'oh!!" But the feeling is gone as soon as the subject is changed or a new game is begun.

9. If you received a virus warning by email, would you forward it to friends or family?
* Yes.
* No.

If it sounds convincing. I'm usually too lazy to forward stuff unless it was very serious or very amusing (i.e. rarely)


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