"...and I can smell the ocean's salt in the air..."

Jun 05, 2005 23:01

I really, REALLY miss home right about now. And for just about no reason.

Happy news, Heidi and Clay tied the knot yesterday. It was a wonderful wedding, and we all jammed out to signature Bruceling music courtesy of Heidi's brother Reid. I have yet to convince my boyfriend to dance anything other than the Korobushko with me, but it'll happen.
I hope.

Having finally gotten on the internet, I found I was inundated with no less than 41 emails (and something like 18 bulk). Thank you, SAPA mailing lists. [G] I finally had a chance to browse the shots of the final weekend--and they're awesome! The shots of phei and turtliewings are particularly splendiferous. ^_^

Ideas for Galya 2.0 are taking up all of my brain capacity except for what I'm using to study for my Training tests. I'm just hoping it wears off enough for me to focus on LIFE. So I'm writing everything down in the meantime. I've heard this is happening to a lot of people, so I don't feel so weird, but still. I plan on challenging myself a little more next year by taking her outside of *MY* personality in a way that almost makes me uncomfortable.
It should be fun, but I'll have to have support from the cast men, 'cause I suck at flirting. [ponder ponder]

This is, of course, assuming I'm asked back. But now all I want to do is pass my Day Three test. I've finally memorized the makeup of all ten drinks I'm supposed to know, so that's heartening. Only three days to go, after all, and here's hoping my stress levels go down, even just a little.

Right, so that should be long enough. Later.
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