May 10, 2005 12:27
I have come to the realization that I've had a really crummy last couple of weeks, overall. This does not really serve to depress me as it does make me want to have a stellar next couple of weeks, just because. Of course, wanting and doing are two different things. We'll see if my self-esteem will allow me to do that. Gotta love irrational arguments with yourself.
I cannot wait to get my Spanish final over so I can go home and PACK. I realized I still have to take all the stuff off of the walls and spackle up the holes, AND defrost the fridge. Spackle party! ^_^
But first I need packing tape. For the multitudes of collapsed boxes my boyfriend brought me from work (we can move me, my roommate, and probably the girls next door with as many as he brought! Thank you!!).
Freedom in: Three days
Things to look forward to this summer:
-No Japanese History
-Time to write
-Time to READ...ooh, I have missed thee...
-Going to California (tentative, but likely)
-Sleeping in during the week
-Seeing Bee and maybe Amanda
-My puppies
-Internet in my bedroom
-Time to finally work on my Middle Egyptian and Arabic
-Heidi and Clay's wedding
-Cindy's baby
-Time to hang with SAPA-ites outside of faire!
Yeah, I'd say this is going to be a nice summer. See? That cheered me up already.