ok, i will try to get joanna newsom's live ticket. i really hate concert tickets here in japan is incredibly expensive. oh well, i'm a working woman. i believe now is time to invest various things in myself.
i forgot to mention this on my last post - i was very surprised to see a lot more people than i expected at calexico and iron & wine show last saturday. as for joanna newsom too, she played the show 2 years ago then coming back next month. it is beyond my imagination to know the fact that there are certain foundations even in japan to accept american or other western independent music. i thought i was the only japanese who knew sufjan's music when i came back from america but at the same period of time he released japanese version cds. so did iron & wine. it's not pride or anything, i'm just simply surprised. releasing japanese version cds means there is a need to listen to those kind of music in this far east country.
i was given aroma reflexology tonight. my legs are moisten tonight, even smells like cool mint: feeling rich.