John yawned.
Four days, seventeen hours, twenty-eight minutes…he glanced up at the chrono, eight seconds, nine, ten…
It had been nearly five days since he had closed his eyes for more than five minutes.
He couldn’t.
He had to.
Taking stims would extend his ability to stay awake.
Staying awake any longer meant he would be of no use
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This was so breathtaking to read. I'm bouncing up and down in my chair!
I probably already said it, but this is one of my most favourite series at the moment!
I'm thrilled that you think that, really. No, really
I have a soft spot for Reaper!Bones that is about the size of the galaxy, and I like your version - both the story and the character - very much. I can see both John Grimm and Bones in your character, and the journey you have him take is both exciting and very original.
I also love how accepting and supportive your Jim is, although he won't desist until the truth is out ... and that's exactly what John neeeds (I hope).
I'm really looking forward to the next part!
As far as Jim goes...The story is certainly Reaper-centric, and as much as I want to write parts for our Captain I have resisted. In my mind though I think his acceptance is due to him realizing that someone does indeed give a damn about him, and wants to do the same in return.
And really, what's better than having these two lovelies learn to heal together?
As for my next section...Ugh. I know where I want to go with it, but every time I put it down something doesn't feel right and I go about revising, rewriting, expanding on certain sections then deleting other portions. For whatever reason I can't seem to get it "right".
I can understand how it can be difficult to convince Jim to "ride in the backseat", so to speak. But I think you're making the right writing choices. It would be weird to suddenly switch focus. This story is about Reaper and his relationship with Jim as perceived by John.
I saw that you already posted the next part, so the "not feeling right thing" got solved I guess? Anyway, I will proceed to read it instantly ...
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