a step in the right direction

Feb 24, 2010 23:00

A lot can happen in a month. Really. Work has picked up, as it naturally does in the winter months at a hospital. However, the economy is still fail, we're seeing a lot more uninsured (read: unemployed) walk-ins, which has caused my department to not replace any of those employees who transfer/retire from the unit. Throw in your general vacation/holiday requests... We were a little bogged down about three weeks ago.

Which was before a fellow worker was marched-out-by-security-after-gathering-her-things fired. Not for any of the infractions she should have been fired for either. Instead, she was fired for calling someone a jackass. Specifically, a co-worker she had been bickering with since she was hired in...two years ago. In front of well, everyone. That totally got the bad karma ball rolling. That same week, two of my co-workers were sent up to the floors as patients, one of which out-of-the-blue dropped down and started seizure-ing in front of well, everyone. Most at first thought he had accidentally stumbled and fell, until he started shaking instead of getting back up. Ick. Other such badness occurred, and strangely enough the little black rain cloud seemed to only settle over the morning crew.

Just this past Wednesday during a normally quiet work period (before most of the morning/day shift-ers are replaced by the afternoon/evening crowd) my unit director comes looking around for everyone and asks that no one to leave the work area/building until further notice. Of course people get a little freaked, and I ponder the possibility of a code yellow (or similar) being called in. Minutes later, down the hallway we notice security in my manager's office. More freaking ensues. Until which time my manager comes out with a box of his things. Oh great. My UD explains that he's gone to look out for bigger and better, but no one who's leaving in good terms leaves with a security escort. Especially not when the unit's monthly meeting is scheduled (and subsequently canceled) for the next morning.

So we're under new management now. Yay. It's been a long time coming, if you ask me. He's not to be replaced, but his assignments are being split between two other managers...who are now getting up to speed with everything. It's been overtime galore for the past two-and-a-half weeks, and today they were giving the dime tour to a potential new part-time hire. In fact, we may be getting a few part-timers. As it turns out, my penny-pinching ex-boss had been keeping the floor (at least in the mornings) this side of understaffed and overworked to make his end-of-the-month numbers look better... And here I thought I've been in exhausted and in a bad mood just because it was that whole seasonal affective disorder thing. Oh! and my new managers have been asking around on how to improve on, well, everything. (Can we sense a common theme here?)

Not only that, but I'm going to be sitting in on (and participating with) committees to finally get our house in order. Apparently my old boss man was slow to implement changes he himself didn't come up with. Now that this has all been (finally) uncovered, a lot must change before my VP comes down from upon...erm, administration to make sure everything is running as smoothly as it should, only properly this time.

Man, it's been ages since I've felt kind of, you know, appreciated for doing my job. Hopefully this keeps up. Maybe I won't put in for that departmental transfer after all. I've been debating it a while; but like with most others I've seen they put in a for a transfer and magically something comes up where they're written up for infraction. Mind you, being written up excludes an employee from being considered for a unit transfer for six months, and they wouldn't have been written up had the paperwork not been filed.

Now that I'm no longer so much wanting to stick sharp implements in the backs (or even the fronts) of half of my co-workers...I may actually start writing again! Ugh. Well, wanting to turn on my computer in the mornings is a good first start, I must say.

Things have been really on the up and up ever since I woke up early Saturday musing girl!Kirk/Reaper!Bones posed by one lovely pixelmayhem  Considering it had been my first two days off in a row since three weeks ago; and first musing since before my computer died, I'm pretty happy. Even though those two days weren't really spent having quality "me" time, that's actually very good. What can I say? I'm an introvert by nature, my life's been a bit on-edge since my computer crashed, I need my by myself, alone, "me" time.

Is it bad that I only watch hockey and curling once every four years? Though, the same could be said about all of the other fantastic Olympic sports I've been nodding off on the couch to for the past eight days. Here's to having a DVR.


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