Finally! A day to myself where I can finally do what I've been meaning to do for about a week now. Write. It's been all run, run, run, run, runrunrunrun...this week for me.
About writing: At the moment it's a piece that managed to parallel with one that
snowdarkred is currently scribbling out. Don't ask me how, but somehow she put a plot tribble in my head and when the chattery happened she was well on her way with her own, in similar style. Weird how brain waves manage to connect like that... I won't mention much about it, because whenever I do I tend to fall into a writers slump. Sorry, I like what I've put down so far, and I don't wanna mess up my groove. Oh, and this time I'll be asking around for a beta...I wanna make sure I get all of the extra characterization right.
In other news, for the first time ever mein feline (okay, technically it's meine katze...but mein feline sounds better, that and my cat's a male. No way I'm using a feminine to describe my cat.) had fleas. He's five now, and this is the first time he's had fleas. Actually, this is the first time in a very long time that a pet of mine has caught any kind of bug. I blame the unseasonably odd weather. Long story short, my cat, who hates being bathed with a passion, got a very long soak with flea shampoo. Luckily I was still wearing my work scrubs because man, I was drenched. Me 1, Sam 0.
My Alyx Vance costume is nearly complete. No, technically it is complete...we're just hoping the little companion cube pendant can stay on the necklace all night. I'll be posting a picture of the completed work, in my mind it's not too shabby for what we've thrown together. The most expensive part about it would be the pants I bought...but I needed a good pair of work pants anyway.
Our mulled cider is nearly ready to be consumed! Some time ago, we bought 10 gallons (approx. 37 liters) of fresh apple cider from a local orchard. Sure, you can find it in about any store these days...pasteurized. However, that stuff's got a funny chemical aftertaste (or at least I swear it does) and it won't permit yeast to grow. This cider is the real stuff, and will be perfectly happy to take a dosing of yeast. Long story short, we married it with a bit of mulling spice, let it ferment for about two weeks, transferred it to bottles, and in about a month there will be hard cider to enjoy all winter long.
Okay, break over...time to get back to that thing disaster I call writing.