The Sun is Evil

Jun 04, 2003 21:56

First off id like to thank the ALL POWERFULL BROOKE, for helping me change the style of my off to bad news. Well i now hate the sun more then ever now......its making the edges of the bed of my truck rise u and it looks all funny with it bubbling up like that. But no fear cause i know what to do....DUCT TAPE.....i found a powerful duct tape that keeps it down....and its balck too to match the bed of my truck....once again i find use for the all powerful duct tape....and ifyou ever stumpted on wht to use....always think to your self when i doubt use duct tape....and now i know why i never likedgetting up early......ITS 10:00 PM AND IM GETTING SLEEP, THATS NOW KEWL MAN,im used to staying up till like 3-4 and still be fine.....oh well....thats my rating and raving
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