In which I complain about my health

Jan 25, 2009 08:55

I've been sick a lot lately. Starting with general congestion, leading to an ear infection and now a hacking cough that makes it impossible to sleep for more than a few hours at a time. I mentioned to Kevin the yesterday that I felt like I've been sick the entire winter. He corrected me. I've been sick longer than that. I started being sick mid-December. *sigh*

Well, to make this post not entirely about my sickness, Kevin and I recently booked airline tickets for our big trip coming up in June. We'll be flying to Prague and then Israel to see my brother and then my Mom get married (my mom for more of a religious thing since they already got married by a judge). I'm looking forward to it, but I'm a little worried about how I'm going to handle packing clothes for it. Apparently it's an additional $50 per checked in bag. While Kevin seems to think we'll be able to get away with carry on only I'm a bit skeptical.

Work's been alternating between slow and crazy since we're discovering that the software we use handles data even worse than we thought it did. Bleh.

I'm continuing to work out at the gym and occasionally go running. I've seen some results. Yay! Hopefully once the aforementioned sickness stops I'll be able to work out more consistently. I'm also trying to get my running good enough to participate in this year's Broad Street Run. Anyone else do that here?

That's about it. I'm going to go play some more Tales of Vasperia.
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