life changes

Mar 01, 2013 19:15

For those intrepid few who still have me on their friends list despite my long neglect and non-responsiveness, apologies.  Life has taken some odd twists and turns in the past few months/years.  None of those twists or turns has diminished my great affection and respect for the talent, intelligence and never-flagging creativity of my fandom friends.

I've been diagnosed with a chronic, degenerative disease (non fatal in the near term) that has complicated my life at the same time I was pulled out of retirement to serve the public good in a somewhat high profile position.  My 'spare time' capacity has evaporated, and my performance life is quickly diminishing in a way that makes me sad, but it was inevitable and unavoidable, so railing against 'fate' seems silly and a waste of valuable time and energy.

To those who live in the general area where I reside and sometimes get together to do fun and wonderful things, I'm still here, although my time and energy is husbanded rather carefully these days.  So, if the opportunity arises for get-togethers, I'd still like to know about it so I can decide whether it's possible to join.  If I can't, it's NOT that I don't want to.... trust me on that.

Fandom and my fandom friends have always been a Safe Place.  A place where no one judges, no one EXPECTS, no demands are made, and that is very, very precious to me, especially now.

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