I'm a Bad Person!

Sep 13, 2010 13:07

Yes, it's true.  I have been chastised for not posting, even though I have nothing fannish to post. (sigh)

So, mundanity (not a word, but it works) it is.

Big News:  Hair cut short.  Still working.  Going on a big trip to Egypt in October.  Changed internet carriers (I despise Verizon with a passion that ought to be reserved for Important Things), so my email addy will be changing soon.  Will announce.

I'm seriously into World of Warcraft.  I know.  Save your dubious looks.  I like it.

Spent a long weekend with Cinel a few weeks ago in her new place, where she has her new job.  Albany is an old, old city and I liked that.

Spouse is okay, children are so, so.  As spousal unit is prone to say, "The first fifty years are the hardest."  (weary sigh)

They are working on the beltway, which is only a hundred yards from my house, and they are trying to get lots of stuff done before the weather turns bad, so there's a constant noise of construction around our house.  Not fun.  Not doing much performance anymore (except the paid church stuff) because working and doing singing performance at night just doesn't mix.  I'm getting a little long in the tooth for 18 hour days with the last four hours spent pouring out physical and performance energy.

Really, really looking forward to Egypt in October. (happy sigh this time).

So, there, I've done it.  I've posted so you guys know I'm alive and stirring.

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