Jul 05, 2008 10:55
I enjoyed the series, short-lived as it was, so I thought the books would be fun summer reading.
Book #1 I liked. The snarky tone, the fascinating premise, etc. I thought the hurt-Dresden-til-it-gets-silly part was pretty OTT, but I figured in a first book it might be expected.
Book #2 I liked for the same reasons I liked Book #1, but the continued theme of Hurt!Dresden began to seem like a genre of fanfic we all know (and some of us love), of unremitting, unredeeming, unrelieved and frequently pointless violence and misery visited on the main character.
I've start Book #3, and we immediately settle into the same routine, except even before the mayhem begins, Dresden is already a mess, and immediately gets hurt again.
Hmm. Do we notice a trend?
Unfortunately, I think this has already gotten old for me. For you Dresden lovers out there, am I just being pissy?