Fair again...

Aug 29, 2005 19:11

so today me and kim and adina decided to hit up the fair again ( u know... hollywood style!!! ) so we did... we got there and we met tim becuz u kno, kim + tim = love. and so we did that, and then derek called and wanted to hang out with us, so we met him... and i realized i forgot that he was quite funny. so yea we had a good time, then we had to go watch tim sing, and he did amazing... and me and adina realized we have ADD cuz we couldnt sit still through the whole show... so me and adina went to get a henna tattoo. then derek had to leave so me and adina walked him back. and we hung out with this new kid... he was kinda weird. but he was cool. then we went to the front gate and we met this rele cool guy, he was selling programs... and he had this stress ball of a pig and he was like "do you guys want to see something?" and we were like okay... and he pulled out the pig and goes short pig, skinny pig. it was probably the funniest thing that has happened all day. then kevin called ( yea the kevin we met at the fair the time before ) and hes rele fun. so we met him and we watched this parade, and kim got supermans autograph!! then frank called and was like "im here, meet me at the go-karts" so we did, and we decided to go on the go-karts. kim and tim went together, frank and adina went together, and me and kevin went together, it was crazy cuz we got in this 3-way accident, but we all survived. and me and kevin TOTALLY WON! although kim and adina might try to tell you otherwise!!! then tim had to go, so we walked him back, and then we went to this place to get food... and this guy who was totally drunk off his ass started singing. it was so funny, so kim and adina started singing too... so then charles did a front handspring... so you know me... i had to show him up... so of course i did an amazing backflip! yea, then we pretty much had to go... it definitly wasnt as much fun this time as it was last time... but it was cool.
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