May 04, 2008 17:49
We're on our way home from the beach-I'm posting from my Blackberry. We stopped for lunch at McDonald's b/c it was our only option. And it was there, of all places, that I realized that my instincts we're on target and this pgcy is not viable. I started bleeding.
Part of me is relieved b/c I've been waiting for this to happen ever since those third beta results came back. I *knew* that this pgcy wasn't viable. I just knew it. The other part of me is so damn angry that I have to go through this nonsense AGAIN. Yes, folks, I'm one for three in the game of pregnancy. I've now had more miscarriages than full term births. And that just sucks.
I've already talked to my OB (thank GOD he was on call today) and he said to get another blood test this week sometime to confirm that my levels are going back down to zero. I'm sure they will. And please no stories of your friend's sister's cousin who bled throughout her first trimester and has a healthy baby. That's not going to happen to me. I've done this before and I know what's happening. I can only hope thay this happens quickly so we can put it behind us and move on. If I had the first baby I miscarried, we wouldn't have Jake, so I do believe that there is something else-someone else-in store for us.So, I'm trying not to let this devastate me. Yes, it's sad, but I'll get past it and I will get pg and stay pg again. I did it once before, and that is my ace in the hole. So, tomorrow I will call back the RE's office and re-schedule the appointment that I so hopefully canceled.