Well, it was a long, interesting, fun weekend.
janehex and
brianchurch had a lovely, lovely wedding, and I'm going to write about it and everything else that happened. Tomorrow. But for now, I just got home and I'm too tired and something happened on the drive back.
So, I'm driving south through the central Californian farmland, and I'm in a nice groove. No traffic, clear skies, just zooming along in my own little contemplative world. And I'm listening to this sad music and I'm thinking about Chuck, I guess because I talked about him a lot this weekend which I don't really do very often anymore, and suddenly I was crying. And not like little sniffly sniffles either; this was a full-on tears streaming down crying jag. Out of nowhere. And then about 20 minutes later it stopped, leaving me all strung-out and feeling old and tired.
Over a year later, and I'm still not over it. Still. Anyway, it was weird.