I am, in fact, still alive. Fret not, LJ-land.
I have been working my tail off as of late, trying to repair my credit and just form some semblance of a possible future. I wish I could put in more than the 45 and 51 hours on alternating weeks at NAPA, and I have considered getting another part-time job for a couple of evenings a week.
The ample snowfall in New England has ensured that, coupled with my lifting at work, that my back's as strong as ever. It's things like this (and my expanding belly) that makes me want to go to the gym. I should just make room for the Weider Crossbow somewhere downstairs instead.
In between game-writing stuff, I have dusted off a couple of old writing projects and hope to get the time/energy/drive to put my heart & soul into those. One of my good pals just got hired on by a writing agent, so I am hopeful that it is a possibility in the future.
Also, time is moving way too fast. Days, weeks, and months just seem to whiz on by without stopping a moment to let me smell the roses. I'm 35 years old now. When the fuck did that happen?!
Things with
twowishesleft and I are going smoothly. I am still stunned that she has stuck around this long, especially when I was down and unemployed for as a long as I was. I would have shit-canned my broke ass long ago. But, alas, we are still together and I am quite happy. :)
Got a free lunch today (China Cuisine) thanks to us breaking the sales record (again) on Monday. I'm also getting better at the computer system and general automotive knowledge, so hopefully a raise will come down the ranks when my one-year tenure is up in June. I am the only driver of the four of us that does any counter work so that should count for something.
NAPA, in general, has been a great experience for me. It is blue collar, which is what I love, and while the money is not great by any means, it lets me get by and has introduced me to so many interesting people - be they my co-workers or customers. Mark, the owner, has - dare I say - become a bit of a pal. He is not the best owner, nor does he have a good work ethic, but he is a hell of a good guy and fun to be around. Jeremy, the manager, is a great guy to work for. He is as hard a worker as they come and his dedication to the job is insane. Sometimes it may get annoying, but I can't help but respect the kid's work ethic. And he's a nice guy to boot as well.
Joe, the Assistant Manager, is a 24-year old kid. He really has a lot to learn about life, but when it comes to his job and his knowledge on cars, he can do an amazing job if he decides to put his mind to it. What he has in knowledge and skill, he lacks in motivation and energy. The old-timer Edd is a good guy and just works part-time at the store to feed his alcoholism. He is a retiree from Raytheon and is harder of hearing than I am. While he is a good guy, I do get annoyed that when he takes a long delivery, it takes 150%+ of the time that it takes the rest of us. But, they let a lot of stuff slide for him because he's 68. Josh, another one of the drivers, is a super-nice guy to me, but he does not get along with Joe (assistant manager) at all. They butt heads all the time over stuff and both of them are at fault because they are childish. Josh is also 24 and is very ignorant of a lot of things that I thought were just common sense. One of my co-workers says to me about Josh, "Well, he *is* Puerto Rican... that explains the laziness." While mean, it is true - he is lazy. If he can find a way to get out of doing one of the remedial tasks, chores, or jobs at the store, he will.
The last driver, and also the guy in charge of the stock room, is a 28-year old guy named Ken. Ken is an awesome guy. While he was extremely shy when I first met him, he has opened up considerably and has proven to be a heck of a pal since I've been there. I've hung out with him a few times (M:tG of all things) and he's introduced me to some of his "interesting" friends. But Ken is great - he works hard when he is there, but he does not live to work by any means. He has other stuff going for him on the side and is an incredibly driven and intelligent guy. I look forward to hanging out at work every day with Ken - and most of the guys for that matter.
In all, life with Nikki has been good. And work-life has been good. I've had my rough days when I can barely walk after, but that is mostly because of me, rather than the work.
Home life has been weird lately. Scott moved out - not that he really lived there much anymore. But it was nice having a cop around. Dan still runs the show here and has been a bit of a workaholic as of late. He was just diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes a couple of months back, and it makes me frown when I see him and his cousin splitting a large pizza and fries. He knows better, but you can't tell him what to do. He also turns 40 in a few weeks.
Dan's cousin Shane has moved in with us, temporarily. He is a 40-year old Maine-iac who is extremely hyper-active. He works with Dan and I can tell that he is wearing Dan's frayed ends of sanity. He's a nice guy and is great with Stewie, but I can't stand it when he stomps up the stairs at 5:30 in the morning to make his pot of coffee. I already snipped at him once for it. I also couldn't stand it when he gabbed all through the Patriots games we watched.
My brother Mike has not been to the house (or his room that he rents for that matter) for weeks or even months. I'm not even sure why he has the room since he has been living with his ex-girlfriend Susan and her daughter Christina for a while now. I realize that Mike is essentially Christina's dad-figure (he dated Susan for over 10 years of Christina's 18-year old life). I just wish he'd either be around more or move his stuff out. I like having him around, but I know people who could really use a room around these parts. Nikki's employee/friend Nate could use a room for sure, and so could her friend/ex-bf Joe. I know some people will say "Oooo... ex-boyfriend? Are you sure you want to do that, Mac?" I'm fine with that. I trust Nikki and they've been good friends forever outside of whatever relationship they've had.
I trust Nikki more than I trust me. I am such a goddamn dog sometimes, it's ridiculous. I find myself mentally reminding myself "You have a steady girlfriend of over 4 years. Don't fuck it up." Some of this, mind you, is just to stroke my ego. 99% of the girls I gawk at would not give me the time of day if I was single anyway. I just let my imagination get the best of me sometimes. *shrug* What can I say? I'm a dog on a leash. But, I've been good.
Stewie is doing okay, though he is having a hard time NOT peeing in Dan's room lately. Ever since we watched Dan's sister's dog Slipper (R.I.P. Slip-Slip), he has had to pee in the couple of spots she peed. Sometimes he drops a deuce in Dan's room, but I am sure to clean it up before Dan gets home. Part of the problem is that no one is home to let him out during the day. On most days, I try to get home for lunch (since I work 5-10 minutes away) so I can let him out, but sometimes I just can't do it. Stewie doesn't seem to like to take care of all of his business when Nikki lets him out - and I'm not sure why. Maybe she doesn't let him stay out long enough? Maybe he's eager to get back inside with her? I don't know. But, Stewie is starting to slow down... but only slightly. He is seven-and-a-half years old, but is still very much a playful puppy at heart.
Guinevere (a.k.a. Guinny, Fuzzybutt, Butt-Butt, The Butt, Pig, Piglet, Beautiful Girl, etc.) the guinea pig has been a wonderful addition to the family and I love that little furry rodent. I like it when she is munching on food or some fresh veggies, and I like it when she runs around her cage like the Daytona 500 at four in the morning. I like it when she purrs when I pet her, and I like getting little piggy kisses on my forehead when I lean into her cage to say hello. She has been with us for 2 years now and I have no idea how old she is. (3? A little more?) And while I was sort of irritated that Nikki brought her home without getting my final say, I am soooo glad that she did.
I am weird about animals now, though. I don't know exactly WHEN it happened, but all of a sudden, I have just been so much of a mush with all animals. Every time I see roadkill (squirrel, possum, etc.), I am overwhelmed with sadness. I hit a chipmunk when driving my work van, and I nearly shed a tear. I was so fucking saddened by it! A year or more ago, I would have just said, "Stupid chipmunk. Should've seen it coming." But now I'm a big mush. I don't get it. But this is exactly why I don't want any more pets. I was VERY sad when Brutus died a few winters ago. But when Stewie and Butt-Butt die, I will be inconsolable and beside myself. I don't know how I'll handle it. I still have no idea when Mac the Intellectual Troglodyte because Mac the Sappy, Sensitive, Emotional, Gorilla of Lameness.
Game-writing has occupied a lot of my brain lately. Trying to fine-tune my RPG12 system as well as "Terramytha" - the medieval fantasy setting that I will try it out in first. Play-tests and feedback on it has been great and I am looking forward to making a living, breathing, and operable product by the end of 2011 (me hopes!).
I will write more regularly so I don't have to unleash epic posts like this anymore. Good night everyone.