May 16, 2011 15:40
"Omg! Ice cream truck!"
"I shouldn't be flailing, I'm twenty-two..."
"Hey I'm twenty-two! I can buy my own ice cream!"
"But it'll go straight to my hips..."
*frowns at hips*
"Bah, fuck my hips. ICE CREAM AHOY!"
*pulls out change purse, moths fly out*
"Oh, right. I'm a twenty-two unemployed university student. I can't afford ice cream..."
*goes back to doing homework, only now I'm hungry and sad*
It's a hard life, srsly.
EXCEPT: MY REPORT/PRESENTATION ARE DONE! I haven't actually done it/handed it in, but I finished working on both of them! They are ready! I am not ready to present but I shall hope I don't fall over or embarrass myself.
Throughout my entire stint in university (four+ years now) I have avoided oral presentations like the plague. I have skipped classes, dropped classes, done alternate assignments, admitted my stage-fright to profs and gotten permission to not present, and simply just not done the entire assignment if I had to present it. This marks the first time I'm ever actually doing it. For a class I don't need and is already overworking me simply by trying to stay up-to-date with the readings. Have I turned a new leaf?! Am I simply tired of avoiding it?! Maybe I've finally matured!
Life isn't learning if you're comfortable. Time to go be uncomfy.