
May 27, 2011 12:52

Kind of a funny schedule these days, going to sleep always like 2-3am, getting up 9-11am, usually leaving in the afternoon. Am I finally really doing the "artist life"?

I finally saw Lucia and got my bike, and got it fixed up a bit at this kinda nutty but great place, and its kind very, very lovely. still not totally ideal for the city with its low, racing bars, but its light and my size and works great, thought the brakes could use some work. The place is this crazy bike laboratory run out of the homeless advocacy org under a bridge in this warehousey space with bike parts EVERYWHERE. I'm so glad I knew about it from years past. I'm super conscious of safety getting back on this skinny road bike with racing bars. That said, I feel like because everyone uses bikes and vespas here, and there's not a cultural divide between car drivers and cyclists, street safety is way better. There's always human error, but I'm not too as afraid as in nyc of crazy drivers.

As we all know, crazy stuff happens in this country, but I try to attract the good crazy, like me staying on this farm for free for a month. And the other crazy well it happens and I expect the unexpected.

here comes the weekend, shabbat, intensive theater lab, and some much needed precipitation, as yesterday it was hot and humid and everyone was sweating like crazy, esp my klezmer friend Paolo Buconi, playing violin and singing and patting himself with a napkin between songs.
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