Sep 20, 2006 10:43
Martha commented:
May 12! Nate's Bar Mitzvah! Then you can rest up for the wedding.
do you vote for: Thanksgiving in NYC (Mike's vote)? or Thanksgiving in Boston (Rafe's vote)? Think on it... love M
About May, well, really, the thing about may is thus:
The project, about which very little is currently known, goes thru May
or has some large -- I hope -- manifestation during May
so it is really more of a question of
can I finish the work just in time to get back for the wedding?
Can I miss the end of the work?
Can I miss the wedding?
Can I permit myself either?
Can I afford, mentally and financially, to come back for just 4 days for the wedding?
Can I move back and not take advantage of another summer in europe?
Can anyone know what I'll be thinking/being/doing at the end of this academic year?
Will I be working on this potential other project in Paris with Picchi in July?
I'm sorry my dearest family if I seem uncaring, but I'm just being honest,
these are my priorities and this is where I'm at.