Oct 25, 2006 22:06
Today I learned that LA stylists don't give a fuck about what your wants. In LA, you don't know what you want until someone gives it to you (and probably overcharges you for it).
When I went into the salon place, I said, in my usual nervous "hair places scare me" voice, that I wanted to be returned to my natural color. My stylist looked at me with pity in his eyes, pointed to my roots, and said "Look at this color. Only God makes this color." This, I am pretty sure, was not a compliment.
So instead of allowing me to be happily, naturally dowdy, my stylist decided that I needed a change. He also decided I did not have a "Blond" personality. Nor, apparently, did I have a light brown personality, or any personality less shocking than dark brown reddish "I used to be a goth in high school but now I just listen to the Cure" hair. And I don't even listen to the Cure, but I might as well start up again, because what the hell else am I going to do with this pasty pasty skin and this dark dark hair.
My eyebrows don't even match my face anymore.
By way of explanation, after they dye-ering was finished, my stylist told me he had wanted to make my hair even darker, because he felt inside I wasn't a white person, but more of an "ethnic brown person". Yes, he really said this to me. He seemed to think it was a very normal comment to make. What?
I wish I could explain this better. I will have to ask someone to take a picture of my head.
Is there any way, dear friends, that I can at least turn this into a good Halloween costume accessory kind of thing? Something?