Nov 28, 2010 12:53
Christmas could not come at a more inopportune time this year... Granted, it always comes at the same time every year, so one would think I could better prepare myself for it. However, that is not the case. It has snuck it's way underneath my door like so many basement crickets, and just won't go away. Christmas music is on the radio, in the grocery stores, and all over podcasts and webisodes. Christmas lights are strung onto houses and trees are blanketed with ornaments and topped with pretentious stars. Or in my case, a Lamp Chop puppet. Not my idea, but she's staying there because I like it.
Why am I not ready for Christmas this year? I wasn't ready for Christmas last year. If you recall, which I'm sure you don't, I was terribly sick last year and only managed the bare minimum of gifts for my immediate family. I couldn't be bothered with anything else because the week leading up to Christmas had me in bed, sniffling into Kleenexs and moaning and groaning about how terrible I felt.
I'm hoping a similar sickness will creep in this year. I am starting to hate family Christmases. I wish they could be more about spending time together, making each other feel warm and happy, and just enjoying the holiday and what it means to each of us to be able to gather, see everyone, converse, and smile. But Christmas is all about the gifts. I hate exchanging gifts. I used to love it. I used to thrill on racing through a store, picking out the perfect gift for each member of my family. I still enjoy that thrill for my immediate family. However... my extended family never seems to appreciate what I buy for them, and they never buy me anything relevant.
My uncle always gets me socks.
My other uncle gets me dolphin figurines. (Because I wanted to be a marine biologist when I was about six. I now hate swimming and have no desire to be near an ocean. If anything, I resent the ocean for separating me from England, but that's a whole 'nother story.)
My grandparents always get me makeup or jewelry. Anyone who knows me knows I never wear makeup or jewelry. Ever.
My cousins never get me anything.
I don't see the point in it. None of us are Christians. Christmas is supposedly a Christian holiday, so why do we celebrate it at all? Why do we put ourselves through these stresses? I'd much rather get together, have a potluck style dinner similar to Thanksgiving, pop in a Christmas classic and watch it with the whole family while sipping eggnog and hot cocoa and telling stories of Christmases past.
Why does gift giving/receiving have to be involved at all? It's just undue stress and discomfort to me. I've been trying to talk the family out of Christmas altogether, but no one will hear me out. And I like Christmas, really, I want it to happen, but I wish gift giving could be eliminated. There's no point.
What are you favorite and least favorite Christmas traditions?