Aug 17, 2005 02:17

This will seriously be the funniest thing you ever read, if you just be patientz and read it lol. SO with that said, continue on.

MacCarthaigh015: haha i love you boobie
cabralst a: I love you swubbles!
MacCarthaigh015: dood we are like long lost brothers
cabralst a: Haha I know man
cabralst a: Noone connects like you and i
MacCarthaigh015: i know guy seriously
cabralst a: Our dicks fit eachothers asses like a fairy tale
cabralst a: :-)
MacCarthaigh015: hahahaha
MacCarthaigh015: guy thats goin in my away
cabralst a: Hhahaahhaah

Auto response from MacCarthaigh015: MacCarthaigh015: haha i love you boobie
cabralst a: I love you swubbles!
MacCarthaigh015: dood we are like long lost brothers
cabralst a: Haha I know man
cabralst a: Noone connects like you and i
MacCarthaigh015: i know guy seriously
cabralst a: Our dicks fit eachothers asses like a fairy tale
cabralst a: :-)

cabralst a: We are the greatest
cabralst a: That will be mine too haha
MacCarthaigh015: we are the champions
cabralst a is away at 1:33:39 AM.
cabralst a returned at 1:33:44 AM.
MacCarthaigh015: hahaha
MacCarthaigh015: dood
MacCarthaigh015: some chick thinks we're gay
MacCarthaigh015: yo guy u there?
MacCarthaigh015: dood please tell me ur ther
MacCarthaigh015 wants to directly connect.
cabralst a is not accepting Direct IM requests or does not support the Direct IM feature..
cabralst a: Haha
cabralst a: Yea
cabralst a: I'm making another drink
cabralst a: What girl?

BahamaMama10: how come a guy like u is not taken
MacCarthaigh015: haha cus im gay
BahamaMama10: no
BahamaMama10: no ur not
MacCarthaigh015: i swear
MacCarthaigh015: that kid in my pics is my bf
BahamaMama10: no
BahamaMama10: i dnt believe

cabralst a: Hahahah
cabralst a: Lmfao!
cabralst a: Hahahahaha

BahamaMama10: this is ur bf?
BahamaMama10: matty...
MacCarthaigh015: yeah i swear
BahamaMama10: no way...
MacCarthaigh015: not even lying
MacCarthaigh015: he's the reciever
MacCarthaigh015: i don't recieve
MacCarthaigh015: only give
BahamaMama10: lol..
BahamaMama10: it says ur straight
MacCarthaigh015: i know
BahamaMama10: y
MacCarthaigh015: i dont want anyone to know
MacCarthaigh015: so i dont ruin my modeling career
MacCarthaigh015: but you can't tell anyone
BahamaMama10: matty ur to cute
BahamaMama10: i wnt
BahamaMama10: i still luv ya the way u are
BahamaMama10: i wont
BahamaMama10: will u be my jake?
MacCarthaigh015: jake?
BahamaMama10: jack*
MacCarthaigh015: jack?
BahamaMama10: jack from will and grace

MacCarthaigh015: hahaha dood u like taht shit
cabralst a: Haahahahaaaahhhaahaha
cabralst a: Lmfao
cabralst a: This is fucking hilarious
MacCarthaigh015: dood im not even done

MacCarthaigh015: jack?
MacCarthaigh015: i think id be more like will
BahamaMama10: ok
BahamaMama10: then will u be my will?
MacCarthaigh015: of course
MacCarthaigh015: and we can have sleepover parties
BahamaMama10: aaww...we have to hang out
BahamaMama10: im down
MacCarthaigh015: and drink hot cocoa and talk about boyus
BahamaMama10: we defently have to hang out now
BahamaMama10: what abercrombie u work at?
BahamaMama10: nashua?

cabralst a: Hahaha
cabralst a: She's a fucking moron
cabralst a: Girls love gay men
MacCarthaigh015: hahahahaa i know guy
MacCarthaigh015: dood why do u think i act gay with you all the time
cabralst a: Hahaha
cabralst a: Hahaha girls love it

MacCarthaigh015: nah salem nh
BahamaMama10: how far is that from marlboro
MacCarthaigh015: like an hour+
BahamaMama10: that isnt bad
BahamaMama10: im gnna have to come visit u now...
BahamaMama10: or u should come visit me

MacCarthaigh015: hell no guy
cabralst a: Hahaha
cabralst a: She says you should visit her, haha fuck that
MacCarthaigh015: haha no shit guy
cabralst a: Tell her I got semen in your eye
cabralst a: Haha
MacCarthaigh015: hahaha dood ure gonna see it
MacCarthaigh015: now

MacCarthaigh015: omg this one time was so funny
MacCarthaigh015: me and ace were kissing
BahamaMama10: what
BahamaMama10: yeah
MacCarthaigh015: and he got too excited
MacCarthaigh015: and got me in the eye, we both laughed for hours
BahamaMama10: awww...matt and cute..
BahamaMama10: lol..
BahamaMama10: aaww... ur to cute

MacCarthaigh015: omg dood
MacCarthaigh015: are you there

BahamaMama10: ur the gay friend i have never had
MacCarthaigh015: omg i have so many cute stories
BahamaMama10: i wanna hear
BahamaMama10: i love cute stories
BahamaMama10: ur to cute
BahamaMama10: how come u didnt want any one to kno u were gay?
MacCarthaigh015: this one time we were making love
MacCarthaigh015: and he farted
MacCarthaigh015: while i was in him
MacCarthaigh015: and we laughed ourselves to sleep
MacCarthaigh015: it was so funny
BahamaMama10: aaww..
MacCarthaigh015: we couldnt contain ourselves
BahamaMama10: that made me laugh
BahamaMama10: that made me smile and i needed to smile today..
BahamaMama10: ur so lucky u have someone that u care about and lvoe

cabralst a: Haahahahahahaahahahahahahahah
cabralst a: Hahahhaahahahdhnsjzmnxcv,hgfsdrewlhxsdzrlqj
cabralst a: I can't even breathe dude
MacCarthaigh015: hahahaha dood did u read all that?
cabralst a: Wtffffff
cabralst a: Make sure you save this convo
MacCarthaigh015: this fucking broad believes all of it tooo
MacCarthaigh015: ohhh i fuckin am
cabralst a: And put it in your lj
MacCarthaigh015: its going on my livejournal
cabralst a: Hahah yesss
MacCarthaigh015: hahahaha
MacCarthaigh015: dod i love you
cabralst a: I farted on your dick dude
cabralst a: Hahahahaaa
MacCarthaigh015: hgahahahaha
MacCarthaigh015: she thought it was so cute too
cabralst a: This girl is fucking retarded

MacCarthaigh015: yeah we're pretty head over heels now
MacCarthaigh015: but no one can know
MacCarthaigh015: cus of my modeling career
BahamaMama10: i wont hun i promise
BahamaMama10: aaww..ur to cute...
MacCarthaigh015: omg omg omg
BahamaMama10: what
MacCarthaigh015: thats not even the best
BahamaMama10: tell

cabralst a: Hahahahah

MacCarthaigh015: wait you gotta give me a story now
MacCarthaigh015: come on tell tell gf
BahamaMama10: i dont really have any good stories.
BahamaMama10: my ex and i were makin love (havin sex) and his younger brother walked in
MacCarthaigh015: omg this one time i was giving him head, cus ill do that, just nothing goes in this butt gf, and so yeah i tickled his butt with a feather and then cummed on his chest and put it on a pbj after and we both ate it, and it actually tasted amazing, but he's told me my semen tastes sweet so i wasn't worried

cabralst a: Haahhaahahhhahaaa

BahamaMama10: omg...
BahamaMama10: that is so cute

MacCarthaigh015: hahahaha
cabralst a: Hsjhmnxcvb,gfsdazrpouiytrmnxcv,hgfsdzewlbakyhmncvb,gsdazrelqxfw
MacCarthaigh015: dood she things everything is fucking cute
cabralst a: Lmfao!
MacCarthaigh015: hahahahahahaha
cabralst a: How the fuck is that cute?
MacCarthaigh015: guy this is something else
MacCarthaigh015: hahahahahaha
cabralst a: What a fucking weirdo
MacCarthaigh015: i fuckin know right
cabralst a: Dude
MacCarthaigh015: ok im goin overboard now
MacCarthaigh015: h/o
cabralst a: Go to ebaumsworld
MacCarthaigh015: im gonna give her something to say cute about

BahamaMama10: aaww im jealous u got a happy relationship...n i dnt
BahamaMama10: tell
MacCarthaigh015: one time i finished in his bum and we swap felched eachother out and had a threesome with this black guy and his jizz was darker than ours??? i thought it was a myth, but it's actually true? we were like omg thats so funny and fell asleep holding eachother, all three of us, but bruno kept trying to stick it in my butt and i was like B!!! come on now im not like that
MacCarthaigh015: bruno didnt realize i don't recieve
MacCarthaigh015: so we dp'd him after
MacCarthaigh015: like an eiffel tower
MacCarthaigh015: he didnt know what to do
MacCarthaigh015: it was sooooo cute
BahamaMama10: r u serious
MacCarthaigh015: omg it was so cute
MacCarthaigh015: we were gonna tape it
MacCarthaigh015: but couldnt find the sony
BahamaMama10: lol..
BahamaMama10: ur to cute

MacCarthaigh015: dood read that shit
cabralst a: Hahah
cabralst a: She's a fucking really big moron
MacCarthaigh015: haha yeah guy
MacCarthaigh015: what should i say now
cabralst a: Hahaha
cabralst a: Tell her one time you caught me jerking off in the shower
cabralst a: And you came in and fucked me, and my head smashed the faucet
cabralst a: And we had to go to the hospital
cabralst a: And the doctors asked us how it happened and we giggled
cabralst a: Hahaha

BahamaMama10: ur to cute
BahamaMama10: i cmmented u
BahamaMama10: ur to cute ur the best
MacCarthaigh015: aww nah hun
MacCarthaigh015: you're too cute
BahamaMama10: no
MacCarthaigh015: but yeah im not gay
MacCarthaigh015: only for pay
BahamaMama10: what?
BahamaMama10: im confused
MacCarthaigh015: haha i was just joshing around
MacCarthaigh015: we're just friends
MacCarthaigh015: i dont know why im single
BahamaMama10: lol.
BahamaMama10: wow i was like no way he is gay..
BahamaMama10: ur to cute..
MacCarthaigh015: yeah i was just joshing around
BahamaMama10: if i was out in that area i would be like yo..matty whats good

cabralst a: Haahhahaha
cabralst a: She's a fucking douche
MacCarthaigh015: hahaha dood i just told her im not gay and she still beleives it
cabralst a: Haha

BahamaMama10: lol..
MacCarthaigh015: haha yeah im really not gay
BahamaMama10: ok i believe u
BahamaMama10: but if i was out that area i would be like yo matty...whats good babe
MacCarthaigh015: but one time i walked in on ace and we were both drunk, and he was jerking off so we figured we'd save water and just take a shower together, but i kinda smacked his head on the shower faucet gettin too rough
BahamaMama10: u seem like a wicked nice guy and a wicked sweet guy too
MacCarthaigh015: and we had to go to the doctor's
MacCarthaigh015: and the doctor was like wow what happened
MacCarthaigh015: and we just looked at eachother and giggled
BahamaMama10: lol..
MacCarthaigh015: lol it was tooo funny
BahamaMama10: lol,..
BahamaMama10: ur to cute
BahamaMama10: i wish i was in that shower with u guys
BahamaMama10: u guys are wicked hott

cabralst a: I don't even know what to call this girl
cabralst a: Hahaha
cabralst a: Ok even better, would derosa fuck her?

MacCarthaigh015: yeah it was a hot shower
MacCarthaigh015: we're bi sometimes if we have alc in us
BahamaMama10: lucky
BahamaMama10: loll..
BahamaMama10: me2
BahamaMama10: lol.
MacCarthaigh015: thats awesome
BahamaMama10: yah
BahamaMama10: i have made out with a chick and licked her nipple that is aboiut it

MacCarthaigh015: hahaha derosa would
MacCarthaigh015: but i aint touchin it guy
MacCarthaigh015: im straight
MacCarthaigh015: lol
cabralst a: Hahahahahha
cabralst a: She don't know that haha
MacCarthaigh015: hahahaha

BahamaMama10: no prob im down
MacCarthaigh015: awesome
BahamaMama10: i love ur eyes

MacCarthaigh015: dood idk whether i should post our convo on lj with all our lil comments or just hers
cabralst a: Hahahah
cabralst a: Idk either dude
cabralst a: Shit is funny either way

No just ATTEMPT to sleep after that, bet you wont.
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