Harry Potter

Nov 18, 2010 17:32

It has truly been an amazing journey. From the time when Harry first boarded the Hogwarts Express, I have laughed, cried, and, most importantly, loved. Harry Potter has been good to me. It was a major component of my childhood and introduced me to the simple joy of sitting down with a good book. I started reading this series as a young girl in 5th grade. Ten years later, as a sophomore in college, I am still as amazed by this series as I once was. The Harry Potter series has taught me many things. It has taught me to use my imagination and see that there is magic everywhere, even if it does not come in the form of spells and flying broomsticks. Dumbledore has taught me the importance of trusting people, even against opposition of others. The series has taught me to fight for what I believe in, even though others may not agree with me, much like Hermione when fighting for Elvish rights. Ron has taught me the importance of loyalty and helped me define the true meaning of friendship. Harry helped instill in me the values of leadership, bravery, and selflessness. But most importantly, the Harry Potter series has shown me what it is to love. One may have all the riches in the world or have nothing at all, but if one has love, then nothing else matters. Because in the end, a life without love is a life not lived. J.K. Rowling has given us all this gift and now that it is coming to an end, I am realizing how much of a gift it has truly been to me. So thank you J.K. Rowling and thank you Harry Potter. For without the two of you, I would not be the me I am today.

harry potter

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