I am basically about to explode. I have got so much school shit going on right now, it's wearing me down. Had a paper, homework assignment, and quiz due today, BioLab midterm and math test tomorrow, GBIO quiz Friday. Next Monday I have a GBIO test, Tuesday I've got a paper due in SW201, and Thursday I've got a test in SW201. OMG. BLARGH. My back is hurting like a bitch from all this time spent sitting up at my desk.
I don't know if I want to wake up later tomorrow (technically later this morning) and catch up on some much needed sleep or wake up early and study some more.
To lighten things up though I had a blast this weekend. Republic with the girls on Friday for Throwback Night.(danced with this really hot got and the best part is is that I was 97% sober). This is huge since I usually only drink and dance, but it was really fun, except for those few awkward moments when I didn't know what to do since my dancing skills are lacking. Did I mention that this dude knew how to break dance. FUCKING RIGHT! We saw the filming crew tape some footage for the Real World: New Orleans which was pretty cool. I spent the whole day Saturday with Christopher Heneghan (=the shit) at the Aquarium and in the Quarter. Loved seeing all the fish, sharks, and jellyfish, plus that one turtle that wouldn't swim by us. I also got to see my nickname sake (the Penguins). After we went to this lovely record store on S. Peters and spent an hour or so browsing music and bonding. Made me realize how much I miss that kid. Spent Sunday napping and then went to my mom's 50th bday party. Hung out with the family/Kristi and got to meet all of my mom's old school friends. (I LOVE YOU MOM!)
Oh and I met this guy on Friday:
So totally awesome! A fake Show-Me-Your-Genitals Guy! He knew the songs and dances and basically made my night complete.
So this ended up being more upbeat than I intended. I had wanted to just bitch and whine. Oh well. Maybe next time :)