People tend to pick a moment of happiness, a moment that made them feel so good that everything troubling them faded away, and then try to live up to that moment for the rest of their lives or for long, key periods of time, during which experiences that are just as good if not more rewarding aren't seen or taken advantage of because they are just different - and that scares people, change.
We get so fixated on the idea that things are going to be a certain way and there's no way to change it, no way to avoid something "inevitable" and the only reason things turn out that way is because people narrow themselves.
I'm going to be Blunt, people get comfortable being miserable. Whether they like feeling this way or not, being miserable is something that is dependable, easily related to by others, and takes effort to break. The last of which is a main reason why so many find it unworth the effort break, because most people are mentally lazy.
Events have taken place, are taking place, and will take place that are able to provide such wonderful experiences and memories but are not even recognized by most people because we're too busy looking back on events passed. Why do we need to try to relive things when all we need to do is simply live.
Yes, certain times will suck. Yes, they will go on for long, long periods of time. Yes, we will get depressed and lonely and plain sad, but dont look for the same answer's and solution's to these problems each time. Life is full of infinite possibilities and people only want to live just one? That's ridiculous, but I can empathize with that situation because things are hard to let go of. But what I wont allow myself to forgive is the concious blocking of good situations, because they're different, because they're not exactly what life might have been like during that one moment of happiness we fixate on.
People need to learn to let go. And that doesn't mean forget, that doesn't mean supress and bottle up. That means come to terms with. That means be able to look back on things with fond memories without the stinging sense of jealousy and greed. Jealousy of a situation that is realistically impossible to relive, greed in not caring how it affects other people around you by causing them to become "miserable" or just plain longful too.
These are thoughts that are meant in no way to offend. These are thought's that are in no way directed at any particular person. These are merely thought's on a situation I have noticed taking place for quite some time and I feel I need to say this because of my genuine care for the well being of people. All I ask is that you think about what is written here and if nothing else,