Stole this from the very awesome
Prêt à Porter Prostitute; I've just found about a hundred new fashion blogs (
Sea of Shoes is probably my favorite, closely followed by Prêt à Porter P,
The Coveted and
What I Wore. The girl who blogs Sea of Shoes is a serious badass. I would die for her closet!
Describe your personal style.
Comfy with indie chic touches. I also dress to match my shoes, not the other way round :)
What are the staples in your wardrobe?
Punchy bright blouse-style T-shirts, vintage heels, skinny blue or black jeans, cardigans cardigans cardigans, ripped ballet tights, and my two pairs of midcalf piratey boots (one grey and modern Urban Outfitters, one black and vintage Sex Pistols).
What's your signature look?
Skinny jeans with too many holes on the inside thighs, nasty-ass Converse and/or perfect condition heels, some kind of T-shirt (usually from American Eagle or my boyfriend's closet) and a cardigan.
Who is your fashion muse?
Jenny Lewis. I have a whole folder in the Pictures directory on my computer of pictures of Jenny Lewis' clothes, and I love to try to put together her outfits. (It almost never works. I need more vintage!)
Favourite purchase of all time?
I think it's a three-way tie between my brown vintage ostrich leather heels (which are too small but I will NEVER GIVE UP), my vintagey beige Old Navy skirt with all the flowers (AND POCKETS), and my $300 verging-on-trampy snow-leopard-print dress from the Macy's sale that I got for $8. (Which I still haven't worn, because it doesn't match any of my shoes.)
Biggest splurge.
My favorite (and now a bit too small in the bust) Anthropologie dress and my midcalf pirate boots from Urban Outfitters were the same price. (Not too much, actually---both were on sale, because I'm a badass).
What’s your beauty routine?
I cleanse with oil (...I'm a little weird) and moisturize with oil. Mostly my makeup routine consists of ChapStick Naturals, some variety of Urban Decay 24/7 eyeliner on my lower inner lid, and Stila mascara. I'm pretty low-maintenance, despite how much I babble on and on about skincare.
What jewelry do you never take off?
I can't wear bracelets or rings because of my tendonitis, but I have a little silver necklace with a charm that's the Celtic symbol for music. I rarely take it off.
What are you wishing for?
Two words: Christian Louboutins. Well, actually, to be more precise: Christian Louboutin red suede Delics 140mm, size 38. *falls over and dies of shoe lust*
What are your obsessions?
You mean apart from shoes?